Player Announcement An unexpected revelation


Arch-Geomancer, Tericyées of Sunscape
Staff member
On an evening, when the sun was setting and I was meditating near the river that was flowing through my street, an otter approached me. I was focused, but the water was singing, clinging like waves and telling me to follow. I opened my eyes, stood up and followed the otter.

It went outside the gate. I stopped. I hadn't left Luminion in over 9 months. I followed the otter until it stopped near a pond. It jumped into the water, and for a short period there was silence. Absolute silence. Then I saw a great white light. It was a Great One, a White spirit. My grandfather told me he spoke to one once, but I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. It was pure and beautiful.

He told he came from Aros, the realm of the Endless Ocean. I belief he was sent by the Mother, to bring a message. He said I need to spread the arts of magic, and prepare ourselves as mages. He told me, I was chosen. But why? I was the one that sang the cursed words of the Black Spirits.

Either way the otter returned, holding a gem in his mouth. I recognized it. I read about it. This was an Aquamarine gem, a catalyst. I heard the waves of the ocean clinging inside it. It must have a great connection to Aros. He told me I would need to create a tear. I listened to him, closing my eyes and hearing the water drop on the ground as it was raining.

I moved my hand with the gem in it and I was blinded by a blue light. I had opened a tear to Aros, but how? The White Spirit told me his presence gave me a connection to the realm. So it really felt natural like the ancient texts about mages have said. I freed energy, and it swirled around my body. I concentrated it into a ball, and shot it forward. I had just casted a spell.

I tried again but now I wanted to carve a more controlled, straightened object, like a lasso. I had to retry for a while, but I succeeded. The White Spirit told me I had to teach it to as many as possible, and protect our realm from what is to come. I had a purpose now, a purpose in this world. I shall teach and protect.

The White Spirit dissappeared and I returned inside the walls. I belief a lake spirit, a blue spirit is now my spirit guardian. He will support me from the heavens and guide me to my destiny to teach those pure of heart with the arts of water.
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