[!] Copies of this letter were dispersed across the Hadrian Empire by a rider on horseback.
Weintag 25, Neudawn, 1555
To the esteemed citizens of the Hadrian Empire
By order of the Imperial Court of Law, under the guiding eyes of Elric
For the longest time, Elric has guided us towards true justice and judgement. Under his protection and watchful gaze, the Hadrian Empire is constantly guided to do what is fair and responsible. Yet as much as Elric shows us a path to achieve such, people are needed to bring his words into action. To ensure that Elric's guidance does not fall on deaf ears, and to ensure proper justice and judgement within the Hadrian Empire, the Imperial Court of Law is in search of the most competent individuals to bolster its ranks, these roles consist of the following:
First and foremost the Imperial Court of Law requires a few additional Richters/Richterinnen. These casters of judgement will assist Graf Friederich von Bergwald-Holstein with casting judgement within trials. They will be consulted for their opinion to ensure a choice is not made by an individual, and in the early stages of their career these individuals will be tasked to deal with small cases. After due time and their proven worthiness they will be allowed to handle more prominent cases with greater repercussions for the assailant.
Yet, that is not all. The Imperial Court of Law is also in search of dedicated and driven individuals to form an assisting staff to those who cast judgement. Those who become part of the assisting staff will be tasked with investigating cases, interrogations and paperwork such as the registry of criminals and trial rapports.
If you feel called upon by Elric, do travel to the Brandenhafen Court of Law (Karl Platz 1, Adelsburg) and leave a letter. If interested you will be invited to the Imperial Court of Law so that we can make sure you are fit for the role you apply for.
With Elric as our shepherd, we must be on an endless watch to root out the wolves in our midst.
Applying can either be done by leaving a response below, or by finding me (Friederich von Bergwald-Holstein in Eden.
Vorsitzender des Reichstages
Erztreasurer of das Hadrianischer Kaiserreich
Richter des Reichsgerichtshofes
Graf von Dörne im Westerwald
Eigentümer von die Bergwald-Holstein Firma