A letter to Silas

Under the cloak of darkness, a mysterious figure draped in shadows crept past the heavily guarded gates of Raevendrecht. With a smug expression spreading across their face, they peered up at the imposing walls of the main keep, feeling a sense of excitement stir within them.
As they began their ascent up the wall, their eyes, a striking silver-white, glittered with a mischievous twinkle. "It's almost as if they're daring me to come inside." The figure murmured to themselves, relishing the thrill of the challenge.
Finally, after much effort, they reached the windowsill of Silas' room, their heart pounding with anticipation. With a deft hand, they pried open the window and slipped a letter into the room, their movements as swift and silent as a shadow.

As they made their escape, their mind was buzzing with adrenaline and the satisfaction of a job well done. It was a daring feat, one that they would no doubt remember for a long time to come.

-The letter was sealed with wax and bore the sigil of Johan Scakart-van Leuveren-


Dear Silas,

My sincerest greetings to you. Before anything else, please accept my humble apologies for any inconvenience caused by the damage that my associate might have inflicted upon the windowsill. It is imperative that this message reaches your hands and yours alone.
Allow me to recount my experiences in Anjyarr over the past couple of years. Under the gracious hospitality of Lady Cupiditatem, I have had the privilege of immersing myself in the rich Anjyarri culture, much like your uncle Arnoud did in the days when Sig'vyl reigned over the Empire.

Notably, Lady Cupiditatem has even assigned a unit of guards to ensure my safety as I journeyed near the ruins of Catamora, the once-proud city where your mother held sway. Alas, much of it now lies in ruins and is covered in a strange substance. The guard's adviced me not to move inside the city due to the danger it might pose.

Yet, my absence from the office has been prolonged, and it is time for me to return to Raevendrecht. Furthermore, I shall be accompanied by a distinguished guest, and thus I request that you prepare the guest chambers accordingly. Rest assured that this visitor is of the utmost importance and shall be treated with due respect.


Johan Scakart-van Leuveren.
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