Player Announcement A Warning | đź’€ The Lord of Bones Event


The reminder of our Lord's power has been sent throughout Eden.

The insulting shrines you consistently use to pray to your false Gods have been desecrated, for our master has seen your pitiful prayers being sent to the wrong deity.

The Lord of Bones will rise soon, and the sons and daughters of Eden will perish under the heel of his greatness.

Join us, and become undying forever by his side.
"They dare disgrace Kharash?" Khari'cerr Mythanthar's ears ran hot and red, he was pissed. "Mi'll make sure their fucking throats cire mi breakfast." He clenches the paper slowly calming himself "Ne worries, kinna ann till will come ce those who cause kerr'os ce thi azari'cerr." Mythanthar whistles for his trained wolves "Wi have a new game ce play."
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*As he was reading through the delivered message he could not help but let out a soft sigh "So this self-proclaimed Lord of the undying wishes to engage the Enlightened Kingdom in open warfare?" he put the letter to the side and stared ahead for a few seconds before stating "We must find out where these servants hail from, strike at the heart and end this before it gets out of hand!"