Core Rules

Core Rules

All the rules listed for the server are there to facilitate a fun, fair, and welcoming roleplay environment. Players who attempt to get off on technicalities/loopholes or skirt the line between breaking the rules can still be punished if moderation deems it necessary.

Thank you for your understanding!

Chapter I. Definitions

The definitions below are always going to be used in:

Rule definitions;
Usual conversations;
Application forms.​

Definition 1. Roleplay Universe (RU)
The roleplay universe is the set of all locations in which characters participate.

Definition 2. Character
A character is a person (or other being) inside the RU.

Definition 3. In Character (IC)
If an action happens inside the RU (e.g. a character speaks), that action and its consequences are considered “In Character”.

Definition 4. Out of Character (OOC)
If an action happens outside the RU (e.g. you talk to a friend over Discord), that action and its consequences are considered “Out of Character”.

Definition 5. Territory Tile
A territory tile is a marked region on the map which can be owned by a specific player. Territory tiles only exist OOC.

Definition 6. Nation
Inside the RU, a nation is a large collection of characters united by race, history, and culture, inhabiting a specific territory. Outside the RU, a nation is a group of players who has one leader, and the nation leader owns one or more territory tiles.

Definition 7. Settlement
Inside the RU, a settlement is a place where characters establish a community. Outside the RU, a settlement is a group of players who has one leader, and the settlement leader owns 20 or more chunks inside a specific territory tile. All characters of the players who are part of the settlement must live within the settlement’s boundaries.

Definition 8. Claim
Inside the RU, a claim is a piece of territory that one or more characters have taken under control. Outside the RU, a claim consists of a piece of land inhabited by one or more characters, where the owner of the land owns less than 20 chunks inside a specific territory tile.

Definition 9. Build
A build is any city, town, village, hamlet, castle, manor, ranch, etc. within a nation, settlement, or claim territory.
Stray buildings on the outskirts of another build do not count as their own builds.

Definition 10. NCC
Short for Nation, city-state, and claim

Chapter II. General Rules

All rules which are part of this chapter are OOC.

  1. Do not be toxic towards others.
  2. Refrain from trolling or being a nuisance.
  3. Avoid using exploits, and report if you find any.

  4. Follow the chat rules:
    • Spamming is prohibited.
    • Do not flood the chat.
    • Do not post any dubious links in the chat.
  5. Avoid being inappropriate, written or otherwise.
  6. Do not do anything that is illegal outside Minecraft, for example scamming people or grooming.
  7. Understand that staff has the final decision in a situation - this decision can be contested afterward.
  8. Always use common sense.

  9. You are not allowed to use client-side modifications (mods) that could be exploited on the server or give you an advantage over players who don't use these modifications:
    • Examples of mods that are allowed: OptiFine, Minimap Mods, Sodium, etc. (NOTE: Minimaps which display other players or entities are not allowed)
    • Examples of mods that are prohibited: Schematica, Botting Mods (Baritone, etc.), Hacked Clients (Impact, Wurst, etc.), horse speed mods, etc.
  10. You must be 16+ years old in order to play on our server.
    • If it is found you are below the age limit, your account(s) will be immediately banned.
  11. Alt accounts are not allowed.

Chapter III. Roleplay Rules

  1. Anything contained within the RU must make sense. For example, you cannot roleplay as an astronaut on the moon.
  2. Information cannot be transferred from OOC to IC, and characters can only know what they have seen or have learned about IC. For example, you cannot know a character’s name until your character asks them for it. This rule is often called “metagaming” - do not metagame.
  3. You only have control over your character, and any actions you perform cannot be done on behalf of someone else’s character. For example, when you push a person, you cannot “make them fall”. This rule is often called “powergaming” - do not powergame.

  4. You cannot have duplicate characters:
    • You cannot copy another player’s character or skin.
    • You cannot roleplay as a famous OOC person, or as an NPC from the server.
  5. You can not give your character supernatural powers.
  6. You can not give your character any contagious disease.
  7. Your character can not be mentally ill.
  8. All items your character has must be obtained as existing Minecraft items - you cannot use a sword if you do not have a sword in your inventory, for example.
  9. Characters you own cannot interact with each other.
    • They cannot send letters to each other or organize events that their other characters can attend.
    • Alt characters cannot interact with the same groups, NCCs, or organizations any of your other characters are involved in.
    • Alt characters cannot react to any events, bounties, or meetings that any of your other characters are involved in.
  10. Your Minecraft skin must match with your character’s description from your character card.

  11. Characters must be at least 8 human years of age, or the respective equivalent age for races that age differently. The character creation menu will not allow you to create a character that is too young.
  12. Roleplay that contains sexual content (Erotic Roleplay - ERP) is prohibited:
    • You are prohibited from ERP on our Minecraft Server or related Discord servers. Things that are also not allowed are:
    • Suggestive comments, pictures or video's in any of our server chat and Discord channels.
    • Asking for ERP, or ERP-related things in a private chat through any of our channels.
    • Breaking any of the ERP rules will result in an immediate ban and the length varies based on the severity of the violation.
  13. Don't do any Metagaming.
    Definition of Metagaming: Using information your character is not supposed to know from outside the game world. An example of Metagaming: You get a discord message about an orc raiding party going towards one of your outposts and in response, you rally your forces for a counterattack. Your character should not know about the raiding party. The discord message was illegal information and your character is not allowed to use this information in roleplay.
  14. Don't do any Powergaming.
    Definition of Powergaming: A player can be described as a power gamer if he or she declares that his or her own action against another player character is successful without giving the other player character the freedom to act on his own prerogative. They may also be a player who tries to force others to participate in role-playing they don't want to engage in. Or in short, you can't force an outcome of an action in roleplay situations and emotes.
    An example of powergaming: Aldir'tor stabs Boris Krüger in the stomach with a quick thrust of his knife.
    An example of a fair emote: Aldir'tor would attempt to stab Boris Krüger in the stomach with his knife.

  15. Items with the Loremaster-approved, or Event Team-approved tag may not be stored in Enderchests or in a buried or hidden location without Loremaster approval. Places such as these are the ones described in Building Rule 9.

Chapter IV. Building Rules

These rules must be followed if you have access to building on the map on a specific territory tile, nation etc.​

  1. Do not modify other players’ builds without permission. This is called Griefing - do not grief.

  2. You must ensure all buildings are fit for the style of Fables & Fantasy RP:
    • The Build Team decides whether your builds are fit for the map - if unsure please ask the current Build Team Administrator.
    • If the Build Team decides your build is unfit for the map, you will be notified and given time to update the build.
      • If you do not update the build, they are allowed to modify or remove the build in question.
  3. You are not allowed to create improper structures with the purpose of destroying or making the terrain unfit for the map. For example, building 1x1 pits or towers, digging massive squares for the purpose of mining, cutting down forests without reason, etc. This is called land scarring - do not scar the land.
  4. Do not create inappropriate builds.
  5. Do not create redstone contraptions that can cause lag on the server. These contraptions are called lag machines and are prohibited.
  6. Do not create any mob farms, or automation systems made for gaining unlimited resources.
  7. Do not create any underground (mob) farms. Note: animals and/or vegetation that would normally grow underground (i.e. mushrooms) are an exception to this rule.
  8. Do not make builds with the specific purpose of killing a player in an unfair manner. For example, creating a sand area that drops down entirely when an ore block gets broken. These structures are called death traps and are prohibited.
  9. Do not make an area only accessible through breaking blocks to enter. There must be a mechanism in place for entry such as a door, gate, redstone door, etc. This rule also applies to chests, barrels, bookshelves, etc.
  10. Buried containers must be marked by placing a different block under it than the surrounding block. Example: Coarse dirt in a grass field or sandstone on a beach. These containers can be dug up by another player using the vandalism rules.
  11. Do not create thick layers of doors and or trapdoors in your cities, towns, castles, prisons, vaults, etc. Use the following table to determine how many layers of doors/trapdoors you may use when sealing a build:
    • Citizen doors: 5
    • Residential buildings: 2
    • Prisons: 5
    • Vaults/chest rooms: 5
    • Commercial buildings: 2
    • Cultural buildings (Temples, museums, schools, palaces, etc.): 2
    • Military buildings (Keep, barracks, gate controls, etc.): 4
    • Other: 2
  12. These rules apply per individual building or layer of a city. (Ex: The front gate of Adelsburg and the gate in the middle of the city, cutting it in half, count as separate layers.)
  13. Locked signs and containers do not apply to the count unless they are required to unlock to get inside a locked building or through a locked gate.
  14. Citizen doors need to be clearly marked with a sign saying [Citizen Door] on the second line visibly beside them on both ends.
    • You can only have 1 citizen door per gatehouse.
    • Gatehouses need to be at least 30 blocks away from one another to be considered a different layer that can have its own citizen door.
    • Gatehouses within a 30 blocks radius of another gatehouse are considered a singular gatehouse and share the lock count.
  15. There must always be a minimum of two blocks between door layers.

Chapter V. Character Death Rules.

These rules must be followed whenever a character is in a scenario that could lead to its permanent death. (PK)​

5.1: Character death
  1. When your character reaches 0 HP, they are considered knocked out (KO). From there the downed player may choose to lose consciousness and return to Mapledale or permanently kill (PK) the character.
    • Losing consciousness means that your character can be looted and maimed before you can leave the scene and return to Mapledale to continue RP.
    • You are not allowed to return to the place you were knocked out for at least one hour after you return to Mapledale.
    • PK’ed characters drop their entire inventory before death, including soulbound items.
  2. No other player can ever force a permanent kill (PK) upon your character under any circumstance.
  3. Staff may force death upon characters under certain circumstances.
    • When players find themselves in a “PK event” hosted by the event team, the Gamemaster running the event is supposed to tell the party before the event starts that they are in fact in a PK event and allow players to walk away if they so desire.
    • Server moderation can force a PK upon a player. To acquire PK permissions, open a moderation report ticket to explain your case. If accepted, the moderation team gives the requesting party a timeframe within which they may PK the target character before a new request has to be filed.
    • Reasons for a PK request include but are not limited to Hostile actions against an NCC/Individual, major vandalism, treason, etc.
  4. Permanently killing your character is a final decision that cannot be reversed later.
    • Having your character commit suicide through any means will result in an irreversible PK for that character, even though necromantic spells.
    • Necromancers can revive pked characters through the usage of their spells, though Lore Team Manager oversight is required for such actions. This rule does not apply to characters that committed suicide.

5.2 Losing consciousness, maiming, and looting

  1. Another character is not allowed to forcefully maim your character or permanently damage them unless it is discussed prior and agreed upon. Such things involve: taking limbs, tongues, etc.
  2. Server moderation may forcefully maim a character. The same ruling as moderation-enforced PK’s applies to maiming.
  3. Downed characters can be looted using the command /invsearch [char name]. A downed target always has to give up the items the looter requests of them. This includes soulbound items.

Thank you for reading the rules, we hope you enjoy your stay on Fables & Fantasy RP!
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