Server Announcement [CT] May-June EoTM Update!


Community Team's
End of Two Months Update
May-June 2024
Happy belated bimonthly update, everyone! It's been quite some time since the last time I announced something like this, and I want to apologize for the delay in trying to pump these out. The summer months were pretty challenging for me, with IRL circumstances that had to come first. However, I have since bounced back from that setback! I will do my best to continue my schedule of regular updates until further notice. You can expect a secondary post for July and August later today as well!

And now, to the data!

Feedback Analytics

Forms response chart. Question title: When did you join Fables and Fantasy RP?. Number of responses: 21 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Where did you find us?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

The community's feedback form opened on May 26th. In total, we've received 21 responses! 7 less than last month's, but oh well, it's not so bad of a loss! A grand majority of players found us via friends with a total of 12. In second place to that, we have around 5 players coming from PlanetMinecraft. Third, 2 players found us on voting websites (I wonder how that works...). Finally, we have 2 players who found us on Google and other means! Although we have a smaller amount of survey applicants, the numbers for server and community ratings seem to be relatively the same. Even if we are still skewed towards the positive side of the scale, I can't help but notice the lower ratings regarding the community! Fellas, if any of you are having issues with certain players, you are free to notify us so that we can make this server a better place for everyone!

Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the server in its current state?. Number of responses: 21 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: How would you rate the quality of the F&F community?. Number of responses: 21 responses.

Application Data
Forms response chart. Question title: Applicant Status. Number of responses: 79 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Applicant Status. Number of responses: 79 responses.

The two charts in each section represent the application data from May (left) and from June (right) of 2024. We have processed a grand total of 157 applicants within the two-month period! Not as big as last update's, but still a formidable number nonetheless! While both numbers for our denied and accepted applicants have always remained close to equal, we seem to have gotten a vast increase in May's accepted applications with a total of 55.7% in comparison to denied applications with 44.3%! Despite the positive turnout, that doesn't seem to be the case in June, where the numbers seem to flip to 44.8% accepted and 55.2% denied. To any applicants still waiting on approval from our community team, please be sure to actively check DMs, the greeting channel, and the forums for any updates or responses!

Forms response chart. Question title: Applicant Race (Generalized). Number of responses: 79 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Applicant Race (Generalized). Number of responses: 78 responses.

I've decided to return back to the traditional way of counting applicant races, just to make things easier on the eyes! After all, what difference does it make? Round ears, knife ears... Doesn't matter the color! (I'm joking of course. Or am I?)

In May, elves have taken the absolute majority of total applicants by a landslide, beating every other race into the dirt with 48.1%! Coming second are the humans, with 24.1% to their numbers! I hope the Kaiser enjoys his new set of potential subjects! Third, of course, are the tieflings with 12.7%, remaining third in popularity as usual. We did, however, have a spike in players interested in playing more minority races! We have processed applications from 5 goblins, 4 halflings, 2 denur, and 1 orc!

In June, elves continue to dominate the popularity contest with a clean 59% in numbers! Humans maintain their second place spot with 17.9%, a bit lower than the previous month, but still prevalent nonetheless! Tieflings, unfortunately, have dropped in number, with only 10.3% to speak of. The amount of minority races has dropped as well, totaling to 4 goblins, 3 denur, 2 halflings, and 1 orc.

Forms response chart. Question title: Gender. Number of responses: 79 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Gender. Number of responses: 78 responses.

As usual, applicant genders have stayed consistent throughout most bimonthly updates. In May, we've processed 58.2% males, 36.7% females, and 5.1% who chose other! In June, there were 55.1% males, 41% females, and 3.8% others. Not overly exciting, but perhaps one day these numbers will come as a surprise!

Forms response chart. Question title: Java or Bedrock. Number of responses: 79 responses.
Forms response chart. Question title: Java or Bedrock. Number of responses: 78 responses.

There are a significant amount of java players in both charts as normal, with 86.1% in May and 88.5% in June. Bedrock players have seemed to lose popularity since last time, lowering to 13.9% in May and 11.5% in June! Stay strong, y'all. One day, roleplaying on a device other than a PC will feel comfortable for once.

Remember, it's highly recommended that you join the [Main Discord] before you make an application or shortly after you make an application. This gives applicants the best chance to make it past Pending within the week-long deadline!


Staff Roster Changes

Moderation Team
Event Team
Community Team
Tech Team
Build Team
Lore Team


Bi-Monthly Recap

"California girls are unforgettable! Daisy dukes, bikinis, on top!"

Contest Prompt: Greetings, one and all! June has arrived! And yes, while it does stand for Pride Month (woohoo), it also marks the beginning month of summer! To rejoice for the warming (and for some, boiling hot) season, I have decided to set up a summer outfit skin contest! It's been some time since we've had a skin-making event, so why not?

Here are the rules!
  • You may post one submission with two screenshots showcasing the front and back of the skin.
  • Please make sure these skins are age-appropriate! Swimsuits are okay, but be sure not to promote explicit nudity! (Slightly edited for moderators sake)
  • Do not plagiarize the work of other skinmakers! If you're found to have plagiarism in your submission, I will hunt you down.
  • Keep in theme with summer! If you post a full-on winter coat, I will not count that in the final voting.
  • Everyone has until the end of June (30th of June to the 1st of July) to participate in this contest.
I will pick two winners for this contest once it ends! Each winner will win a total of 250 tokens and get their work featured on the next bi-monthly community post! With that, good luck wanderers! May the best skinmaker win!

We have two winners!


By C0rruptedUNKN0WN

(Bonus art of this skin was also included!)


By TammyPiggie

Winners will receive 250 tokens each! Good luck on the next Community Contest!


See you soon!
Katsuki / spectralusurper