[!] A once fine piece of paper, now dirty and ripped, is nailed on the gate to Mitrona - There is also a small hideous drawing, for some familiar, decorating the top of the missive [!]
We, da mig’ty Ztabbin’ Ztabberz, ‘ad fun journey tzru' da tree panzie terretory.
Ztarted by vizitin’ da greet ugly ‘ouze in da Mizrona zity.
Inzide was ztingy, many bookz an’ tree panzie zhit, didn’t like itz.
Tell z’em ‘ow we eat za tree panzie food, and me lickin’ all z’e spoonz in z’e ‘ouze!We, da mig’ty Ztabbin’ Ztabberz, ‘ad fun journey tzru' da tree panzie terretory.
Ztarted by vizitin’ da greet ugly ‘ouze in da Mizrona zity.
Inzide was ztingy, many bookz an’ tree panzie zhit, didn’t like itz.
[!] The text would continue, but a bit off the line, as if someone was starting to write again after being forcefully stopped before [!]
We alzo eat da panzie food and Spoonlickah did lick all z’e spoonz ‘e could find.
[!] The text was followed by a child-like scribble, supposedly a drawing, loosely depicting the following: [!]
Z’en ‘ad fun jumpin’ on ze ruuf, z’en z’e panzie ran’ loud bell - zoo noizy!
After z’ey ‘unt uz ladz t’rou panzie forezt, very fun!
Yez, Yez we gobboz zoo much fazter z’an tree panziez After z’ey ‘unt uz ladz t’rou panzie forezt, very fun!
Write ‘ow z’ey zhot at Thaddeuz, ‘cause he’z zo ugly Haha!
Noo! Filfthy panzie zhot at me, zo mean!Z’en da Ztabbin’ Ztabberz kicked zome panzie azzes!
Haha defeated tree panziezTwo dum’ tree panziez attacked z’e undefeated Ztabbin’ Ztabberz an’ were abzolutely beat’n.
Took all z’e ztuff of filthy panziez, one o’it waz stupid uzeles bow.
Haha, Yez Yez, stupid panzie ate all z’e trapz
Even z’e zpecial panzie troop zhat tried to get ztupid bow ba’k got beat’n by maztermind gobbo trapz.
Zince panzie waz defeated z’ey did trade wit’ bozz gobbo […]
Thaddeuz ya dumbnut, me iz bozz gobbo!
Ztupid Spoonlickah, Zneeze iz da bozz gobbo![!] The following part of the paper would be filled with random marks and lines, also some half finished sentences - It definitely tells of a fight that was being fought for the right to write the following text [!]
[...] trade wit’ gobboz for panzie bow.
Bozz panzie ‘ave to zay zorry to z’e Ztabbin’ Ztabberz for banizh da gobboz.
Killin’ tree panziez waz lame after’a w’ile, zo da gobbo ladz killed Honeylickah beast.
Now z’e cave iz gobbo terretory.
[!] The text was again followed by a horrible drawing, loosely depicting the following: [!]
[...] trade wit’ gobboz for panzie bow.
Bozz panzie ‘ave to zay zorry to z’e Ztabbin’ Ztabberz for banizh da gobboz.
Killin’ tree panziez waz lame after’a w’ile, zo da gobbo ladz killed Honeylickah beast.
Now z’e cave iz gobbo terretory.
[!] The text was again followed by a horrible drawing, loosely depicting the following: [!]
[!] The paper ends there. Besides it, the following was carved on a piece of rather fresh bearskin [!]
Wanna zoin da Ztabbin’ Ztabberz?
Yu are a rut’lezz killer wit’ a little bit’o green zkin?
Z’en join da mig’ty Ztabbin' Ztabberz and go on fun journeyz z’rou da world