Nation Announcement Land Reform Act of 1531


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] A proposal by the Stadtholder would be put in front of the Estates General for Ratification [!]


Citizens of the Republic, hereby the Stadtholder proposes a new division of land to the Estates General.
With the expansion of the Republic of Raevendrecht and the arrival of many peoples be they Elves, be they Denur, be they Halflings, Tiefling or human, the wilderniss of the North remains unconquered. Therefore I would humbly ask permission of the Estates General to implement the:
"Governeur System"


The North
As many citizens have activelt aided in the creation and maintainence of the Republic the Stadtholder sees fit to reward initiative with land to maintain and care for. And the North offers many opportunities. For in the Rivierenland (Riverland), many beavers and other creatures dwell whose pelts could raise a hefty sum of andros. In the lands known as Attermark (Attian Border), bordering the Hadrian Empire there is opportunity for trade and farming. The brave knights of the Raeven Order could stand watch atop the Schendermark (Ghoulborder) , which stands guard against any foul creature yearning from ancient Attia. The Edelenbosch (Noble Forest) is home to many forest critter and creature, and the Diepenwoud (Deepwood) is a mysterious place that some say even harbors trees blessed by ancient Azari'cerr. To the West we find the ancestral Highlands the Ancient home to the Northmen or Highlanders, who once inhabited these lands in the nation of Radymié. To the North of the capital we find the calm shores of Wijsheid aan Zee (Wisdom near the Sea), where the soft winds offer spiritual connection in the soft sandy dunes. In the shadow of Dar-Ach-Denur there is a valley known as Bergschaduw (Mountainshade). At the heart of the North lies the Negensleutelkwartier (The Nine-Key-Quarter), home to the Capital of Raevendrecht the keys of the city wielded by all Governours and protected by the Estates General.

The Gouverneur System:
With Permission of the Estates General the Stadtholder would appoint 8 members of prominent background and signifigance to hold executive authority over their respected fiefs. They would be proclaimed governor and may carry the respected titles established within the province. Those being:

Duke of the Northern Highlands
Duke of the Southern Highlands
Graaf van Rivierenland

/Marques of Attermark
Grand-Master of Schendermark
Baron/Barones of the Edelenbosch
Graaf of Diepenwouden.

Bisshop of Wijsheid aan Zee
Hertog van Bergschaduw

All of these governors may carry their respected titles with permission of the Estates General, they are themselves responsible for delivering an adequate heir, preferably through the male line, to oversee the province in the case of death. The Estates General maintains the power to sack any disfunctional governors by appealing to the Stadtholder.


As Stadtholder I would recommend the following people for a function as Governor, and I would defend my pick in the Estates General:

I would ask Ruud of Clan McCabe to resettle in the Northern-Highlands to return his people to their ancestral homeland.
I would ask Jinx van der Bijlkrijger to oversee permanent responsibility over Attermark to uphold agriculture and trade.
I would ask Reynold Norinn to take up the blue mantle as Grand-Master of the Raeven Order and defend Schendermark.
I would ask former Lord Dain Zakarian, who delivered many troops against the trolls to take control of the Rivierenland, once victory over the trolls is final.

The rest of these governor positions should go to those that distinguish themselves as worthy in front of the Estates General, I am eager to await your proposals.

This act would be put forward to the Estates General with a stamp of the Van Leuveren crest:


Silas Moetiour- van Leuveren, Prince of Catamora, Stadtholder of the Republic of Raevendrecht

OOC: We are introducing a proto-landowner/nobility system for players to retrieve some of their personal grindset. Be sure to attend next friday at 9/11 PM CET/ 3/5 pm UTC


House Norinn Accepts Nomination For Schendermark

Grandmaster Reynold Norinn of the Raeven Order both humbly and dutifully accepts the nomination for the lordship of Schendermark, vowing to protect the province in unwavering service to both the Stadtholder and Republic.​