Letter to luminion


A letter to Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithrall

A white owl would be flying through the city of Luminion into the palace with a letter in its beak

Vale. mi ci aware dur net expeckting tis letter or who it irr from but mi ann mi brothers aeri as du know her Solana Faesatra have net been seen for o while ann wi di´tar know of dur past letter after finding it irr her office ann thi new one trying ce wait for her ann mi ann mi brother both agreed ce do something ann take her place as she irr net around ann wanted ce contact duann wi cire willing ce listen ann talk ce find o way ce avoid thi war net ce cause any more bad relation between thi nations ann if du cire willing ce make o meeting wi would be glad ce show up only thi two of us if net one of us will show up if dur willing ce meet

Rennyn Faesatra
Zhoron Faesatra
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*a reply would be sent to the Mitrona palace by Phoenix*

Vale acquaintances of the false Khari'cerr,

The Enlightened Kingdom is open for negotiations if the Solana government lays down its arms and surrenders.


Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithrall
*a reply would be sent to the Mitrona palace by Phoenix*

Vale acquaintances of the false Khari'cerr,

The Enlightened Kingdom is open for negotiations if the Solana government lays down its arms and surrenders.


Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithrall

*a reply would be sent to the Mitrona palace by Phoenix*

Vale acquaintances of the false Khari'cerr,

The Enlightened Kingdom is open for negotiations if the Solana government lays down its arms and surrenders.


Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithrall
*A white owl would fly through the city of Luminion once more to the palace with a reply*

Vale agein Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithrall wi cire happy ce know du cire open ann wi would gladly come for o visit ce talk as said irr thi past letter ann wi cire free mostly anytime ce come whenever du have thi time wi thank du for thi fast reply

Rennyn Faesatra
Zhoron Faesatra
*another reply would reach the woodland kingdom*

Any delegation from Mitrona is safe to come to negotiate before hostilities are set to officially start.


Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithrall