On Nature to a Wood Elf

On Nature to a Wood Elf

It is my philosophy that a grand theme exists through all of nature. It was sung before the first mountains were driven up from the sea and will continue to ring out long after the fleeting moments of our lives are over. It is hummed an infinite number of times over by each blade of grass as the wind passes through it and muttered by each babbling brook that makes its way out to the sea. It is brazenly announced in the dying throes of an elk as its life ends to a wolf pack, and it is quietly repeated in the whimpers of newborn pups nursing in their den. It is simultaneously beautiful yet brutal. Tragic yet happy. Immovable yet in a state of constant change. We are afforded the few measures of our lives to join our own voices to it, and though we may freely choose what we sing, we are nonetheless bound by fate to participate. Nature is inseparable from mortals as is our part in the chorus, and all who live are singers in the grand theme whether they are witting to it or not.

On my travels I came upon a Wood Elf whom I spoke upon my belief with. They claimed to know more than a mere man such as myself of nature, yet the irony was striking. They made the claim that mortals' free will sets them apart from the realm of nature, and moreover that there was no theme at all, likening it to simply "noise." Here stood an elf with ears larger than most woodland creatures, yet they remained deaf to the profound orchestration taking place around them. It was this contradiction that ignited a spark within my heart to demonstrate the interwoven threads of nature's symphony that this elf so stubbornly overlooked. It is my hope that they will come upon this poem and humble themselves low enough to hear the song which is ringing so clearly all around them, to embrace the beauty of the grand theme, and to consider that they too have a part to sing in it.


In nature's realm, where melodies reside,

A symphony unfolds with each rising tide,

Oh, let me share the tale of harmony and strife,

Where nature's music weaves the tapestry of life.

Behold the beauty in a dew-kissed morn,

As gentle whispers of the breeze are born,

In every rustling leaf and gentle breeze,

A melody emerges, as nature breathes.

From the majestic mountains to the roaring sea,

Nature's chorus sings, wild and free,

A predator's growl, fierce and stark,

Echoes the rhythms in nature's arc.

But amidst this symphony, a question to arise,

Of mortals’ role, where our destiny lies,

For in the grand orchestra of nature's designs,

Is there a place where free will intertwines?

Fear not, dear soul, for your own choice,

Resounds within this symphony's voice,

A harmonious thread in nature's grand score,

Where our melodies blend forevermore.

For in every choice we make, a note takes flight,

A song of hope, compassion, or of might,

Our actions echo in the rhythm's sway,

As part of this great chorus, we find our way.

In nature's music, we find our truest place,

The rhythm of existence, intertwined with grace,

For mortal-kind exists within this grand refrain,

A living part of nature's domain.
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