Discussions amongst Anjyarri old guard on Esebius' proposals
The tides of change are themselves bound to uncertainty. As one comes faced with the true reality that was hidden underneath artifice. As one comes to renegotiate the terms of an order. It is in this newfound struggle that various new problems and solutions must arise. The call of a people does not rest unheard. Instead it becomes the ground for new thought, new questions, and new answers.
The words ring true, dear friends and compatriots. Anjyarr is bound for change now. The foundation has been set. The people have rested from the terrors involved by tyrants and despots. And yes, we are awake now. Breathing new air. Free air.
Anjyarr finds itself within a time that requires more than the same old same old. A time in which our policies must be decisive and answer to the problems of the world. Where we partake once more in the geopolitical reality that has binded Eden for generations. A reality that sequestered some of us to the deserts. And others to being ignored and forgotten.
Where we are bound, it is not by force any longer, but by the choice bequeathed onto us through the will of Fineall. Through the will of a path that our ancestors chose and we continue to follow. The words I offer, though poetic in form, offer the rhetorical grounds through which our tomorrow is being built.
I hear the cries in the streets still. The concern for how transition does anything. What comes of a government that is not solid? Leadership not front and center? Is this not the end to come? Queries that have loomed long before the people took arms and rid themselves of false inheritance.
The answers are here. My answers. And I implore us to meet and further talk about the proposals I lay before you. I shall not presume myself the better. I shall not ignore the words and suggestions of a people that have not been heard. We shall weave tomorrow. No longer are we bound to a particular we, but rather a we that stands for a people. Even in difference, we find ourselves now. Even in uncertainty, we find ourselves now. Even in struggle, we find ourselves now. A new Anjyarr is here, dear friends, let us breathe life into it now.
On these terms, I can hear the criticisms of swift calls for action that would be stifled by a decentralized structure. On these terms, I attempt to remedy this problem through a careful consideration of those afforded power in the new Anjyarr to come. I do intend to speak towards this governmental restructuring and the policy proposals alongside the new government that this piece intends to ground. I implore any and all letters to be directed to the palace aviary. And if any further conversations wish to be held with me personally, then do send me a letter to schedule a meeting that suits us both best. I want to further add, there will be three collective meetings within the next few months that relate to this matter. The palace will be redecorated so that all can step foot within its bounds and speak their minds. The values my proposal seeks to center are matters of merit, commitment, and wisdom. The future to come must continue to hold true to these three virtues, as they serve as reminders of what allowed us to break from the yokes of our oppressors. I pray my words are not too radical in their form, for I do hold that the new Anjyarr can offer a radical experiment for many others to look upon. Allow us then to chart this course with a careful eye, dear people.
The new state of Anjyarr should be composed of three bodies:
- The Council of Elders
- The Oratory
- The Nahiba Order
The Oratory shall propose said legislation, as members of this body shall be direct representatives of the people of Anjyarr. Members of this body shall be known as Orators. This body shall be elected once every three years, and shall be beholden to no one else but the people of Anjyarr. They shall work to propose and ratify legislation to be accepted by the Council of Elders. They shall meet, at minimum, once a year to hold open sessions, which any citizen of Anjyarr may attend.
The Nahiba Order shall be a carefully selected virtuous body that serves at the behest of the Council of Elders. Members of this body will receive the title of Nahiba, or translated to common as noble. This body shall be composed of virtuous members of Anjyarr that have been granted land to respectively govern within regions. They shall work carefully with the Oratory to ensure the careful execution of approved legislation. Further, they shall safeguard the state of Anjyarr and attentively meet with exterior nations to mitigate any international dangers. This Order shall be the only body afforded discretionary meetings. After any approval of legislation by the Council of Elders, they shall meet to discuss plans for bringing these laws into action.
To add, the Nahiba Order shall also serve as the bedrock for the military matters of Anjyarr. They shall organize the new body of soldiers. Each Nahiba is granted their own respective armies to train and lead. On these terms, this bars any resolute allegiances to one respective body, and the potential abuses from just one respective body against their people. It will be the duty of the Elders to ensure that no member of the Nahiba Order can usurp all power for their own respective ends. This will be accomplished through not only the careful selection of the Nahiba from the start, but also a thorough instillation of national values into the respective soldiers that serve each Nahiba. Loyalty, above all else, rests within the state of Anjyarr itself and its people.
On these terms, Anjyarr shall also be split into political districts. Each district shall be afforded a singular orator and one Nahiba to serve them. The orator shall be elected at the will of the citizens within this political district. While the Nahiba is determined at the approval of the Council of Elders. Any member of Anjyarr can submit their name to become a Nahiba, but a rigorous interview process shall determine whether this individual is virtuous enough to serve the state.
Further, the rights of the people must be safeguarded first and foremost. As such, the Council of Elders, once duly accepted by the people of Anjyarr, shall bring into law a body of civil liberties that shall grant the people continued political enfranchisement. None shall be barred any ability to speak their mind or difference of opinion. Though it is critical that the virtues of the state are abided to as the foundation for the state of Anjyarr. As such, it is key that people have the freedom to speak as they please as long as it does not lead to the direct harm of another citizen. People must be freed from any coercive bondage and the institution of slavery must be abolished in perpetuity. And the right to live as a different person must not be seen as a problem, but merely as the state of things within Anjyarr.
Though this proposal, messy in its current state, charts the course for the future of Anjyarr. Questions of clarification, interests, and potential critiques are more than welcome. Three public councils will be held, one two weeks (tomorrow), another in two months (upcoming Wednesday), and finally one next quarter (next Saturday). By next quarter, a final and fully realized proposal shall be offered that explains any and all matters of ratification offered for the current draft.
On the matters of this proposal, any and all questions can be directed to Esebius of Al-Khadir. Letters can be mailed to the palace aviary. Personal meetings can be requested. But beyond all else, if you are a citizen of Anjyarr, I implore you to participate in the public councils. Allow your voice and opinions to be openly vocalized and properly attended to. I pray this proposal serves to ground the conversations that Anjyarr will be bound to in the future to come.