On the forces of Darkness and Lies


[!] The following decree and letter is sent to all courts in Eden, including Raevendrecht with which the Imperium is at odds.

From the Desk of the Supreme Chancellor

"To the Nations of Eden,

As the dust settles, so too this decree will settle any ambiguities and lies that have been propagated by dark forces and those of malicious intent. I wish to begin with a mandate, given to me by the people of the Imperium, supported by the legion and its members.

The Imperium shall immediately take control of its destiny, to eradicate the dark forces of the Bone Lord which plague the lands of Eden. All voidal powers of the world hark unto this warning, for we will only levy it once. The time for peace with evil is forfeit, may those who practice against the natural world and its people perish. We, the officers of the Imperium, the people of this great nation, pledge to forge pacts with the well-mannered states of Eden to achieve this goal. We invite Luminion, a stalwart proponent of this same destiny, to join us in our pledge and open diplomatic channels once more. We invite the Duchy of Finterschen, though your religious schism is not unknown to us, to open diplomatic channels in order to discuss such a pact. This mandate represents the will of the Imperium, the will to overcome evil.

Of course, there have been many lies propagated since the transition in government. False stories about the slaughter of children, propagated by the deserter and now confessed traitor Eveline Ludwig, have been allowed to proliferate without protest for far too long. We do not pretend to act as if this individual is of particular importance, for she has already displayed a pattern of rebellious behavior, tarnishing the reputation of the brave men and women of the Imperium’s legion for personal gain. Her words are ill-mannered, unstable, fit for neither the ears of children or the highest courts of mankind. She is a danger to family, community, and state at large, lashing out with lies to slander those who stand as her betters.

To address the lies in their entirety, the children of the Kaiser were not indeed murdered. The Kaiser’s son, having raised his sword against the legion’s commander during the transition, was slain. Beyond the Kaiser and his son however, the family that once sat the throne of Hadrianna was intentionally spared. In fact, the former queen has opted to remain in Adelsburg with the new government, contrary to the accusations of murder levied at the fair government of the Imperium. The Lady Katherina too passed through Adelsburg several times without harm, a curious fact if the Imperium are truly the murderers our detractors claim us to be.

We close with a warning, to the rebels and their supporters. The Imperium stands as a beacon against the dark forces of Eden. These rebels, who fabricate and lie in their dark corners, only assist the Bone Lord and his efforts to harm the people of Eden. They are his accomplices, notably absent in times of crisis when the need arises to help their people, but always present to tarnish them and declare war upon them. The absent lord who has seen fit to come out of his isolation to attempt to seize power, is but the most recent example of this sinister operation. Rest assured, the Imperium will wipe out the insignificant rebellion, and investigate the dark origins of these conspirators.

The Alder guides our Way, May his Power defeat our Dark Foes.

Signed by,
Sine Verrador
Supreme Chancellor of the Imperium

Signed by,
Diplomat of the Imperium

Signed by,
Siegfried Od Albion
Supreme Commander of the Imperium"


Meanwhile, a certain spirit seemed to play cards with a dark figure, covered in many eyes, mouths, and appendeges, each holding a playcard. "Your turn." said the golden-masked spirit in a raspy deep voice, sounding determined to win. One of the appendeges extended and put a card down. "Checkmate!" said one of the mouths with a happy, child-like tone. Believing itself to have won. "No, you fool! That is checkers." said an angry male voice somewhere down below. "I believe it was chess, my children." said a motherly static voice of another mouth, sounding monstrous in nature. After that the figure began to squabble and writhe against itself, the many eyes and mouths moving as each began to argue in many different voices, each unnatural in origin.
Meanwhile, the spirit sighed of annoyance and rolled his one eye behind the mask. All he could do was peek through the rips in the fabric of realitity, spectating while the story of Eden continued.
Ralil would glance over from his usual notes to look at a new one his informant placed on his desk. "They're really trying to cover it up now, eh? After giving us such a generous donation not even a season ago" A devious smile emerged from his face. "It is about time us brothers and sisters in death make an appearance again, and I know just the target.." He grabbed his helmet and sword and leaves his office in the castle of Magna Attia. "The others must be told immediately... We shall let them know their ignorance towards our Liege has cost them the only thing they had to their advantage, time. His dark helmet would be donned and a sword of dark runes and skulls at his side would glow bright purple in the night sky of the accursed swamp.
[!] Silas would receive the Hadrian decree and touch his torn left ear as he read through, urious as to why they send it to Raevendrecht [!] They would as simply whiff away their regicide like that. A thousand years of Attian tradition to be replaced by a legion in power. And what will happen if another general rises through the ranks of this legion? Perhaps it is time we meet these legionairres to get the measure of them, and what they perceive of peace in our time. Send word that we dispatch their diplomats to discuss our standing with this new government.