Suggestion OOC/LOOC/IC

Boris Krüger

We all have that moment when we're rping we usually forget we're in looc or ooc. When we were rp, the text went out in ooc, and we all look stupid when this happens. Some of you had that experience, including myself.

So here's my suggestion: After 5 minutes in ooc or looc (more or less time in between) and you haven't typed anything, your chat automatically goes to IC. This is to prevent these errors again. It can also prevent some meta-gaming as all people can read the ooc such as information about lines like killing or stealing from someone.
Will be taken into consideration.
You would most likely be switched from OOC and IC to LOOC, because it has the best chance for you not to say something stupid that everybody could see. The time would also be longer than 5 minutes.