Player Event The Trials of the Forest


Arch-Geomancer, Tericyées of Sunscape
Staff member
Papers would hang around the main street of Mitrona with the Mitronian symbol.


It would say the following:


Vale inhabitants of Mitrona. A new edition of the Trials of the Forest will be given soon. Younglings under the age of 100, worthy of becoming great warrios will be tested on their sense and skill of survival.


These young azari will be left loose in the Great Forest, and they will have to find food and water. After a few days they will find their way home again as great warriors.


A great feast wil be given with food and drinks! All Mitrona inhabitants are welcome, and outsiders from all across Eden are also welcome if they wish to be there.


OOC Information: The trials will start Saturday 8:30pm CET. When they return to Mitrona, a grand feast will be held and Elves, dwarves, tieflings and humans are welcome!
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