Nation Announcement Return of the Sultana


Sultana of Anjyarr & GM
Staff member
With a deep inhale, she brought herself to rise. Sitting up in her bed, she waved a hand across her face, letting the pigment of her skin run deep to gaze. Awake, again, it seems.

A small knock on the door, and the creaking of floor boards. "Sultana?" - a quiet, feminine voice. "Ua, yat un" - she returned. Nahida turned her gaze to the door, tensely gazing to who wakes her. "'Ata al'ua hari" The girl replied, sinking back into the door.
"Turn her away." Nahida would reply, letting her head fall back down into her pillow. "She insists to see ua, emyhra al'ana" She replied again, dipping her head. "Ana cannot halt her." The girl softly responded, slinking behind the door, and closing it behind her. Only a moment to be left in one's own thoughts, before intrusion came again. Must ana be awake for this moment? Can it not wait any longer.. Too much-

"Sultana." The new voice blared, interrupting her thoughts. "Al'ua health returns, ua must return to the people." - "They await you. . ." A concerned, yet demanding tone. One of familiarity, and of fear. "Ana knows. Would address them the moment seemed." Nahida shook her head, rubbing her eyes. "Ana just needed time to correct myself." - "Ua knows ua cannot afford to wait any longer. . . Almajlis Ae'la await your judgement."
She sighed, sitting back up again. Turning her eyes to the left, Nahida stared her caretaker down. "It will be done, ua knows." - "Leave." She waved a dismissive hand. With a nod, the caretaker turned back, "Do not keep them waiting." - as they closed the door behind them. Again, left alone. Bittersweet company, but all ana have had. These people need their leader, it is high time they had guidance. Let it be known, let it be done.

Hallo Everynan! It is I, Apples, and I have officially taken over as Nahida Umaira Nobara. I will be leading Anjyarr now, and are excited to roleplay with y'all! :3