Player Event 🍻 Many a Tavern Night, Many a Bier! 🍻


Sleepy Fella
A medium piece of paper is stapled neatly to select notice boards & similar areas across the Hadrian Empire. It reads:

"To the Citizens of the Hadrian Empire, and all who hail within;

After the 31st of Godsnight, approximately 1/3 of the way through 1548, I will be hosting a glorious tavern night at the Adelsburg tavern for all who can attend. The months prior will be followed with a spike of activity in Königstein, as we have plenty of alcohol in stock that must be drank up to boost morale within the Empire. The Bone Lord and Lunburg looming just beyond our borders is no excuse to not remain hopeful and strong.

I send this notice in advance so you may all attend the tavern night in Adelsburg. We are planning some unconfirmed party events, alongside giving away free booze in mini-raffles throughout the blanket of stars. To complete the night, guards will be hired for those who may feel unsafe in Adelsburg during this time: High volumes of people can cause trouble, and we value your safety.

For guard inquiries, please find me in Adelsburg. I am almost always at the tavern there, and if I'm not there then I am extremely busy. Any other questions can also be brought to me, and I will be happy to answer them. For now, expect new postings to announce planned games and other similar updates."
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