Nation Announcement 1st High Council Meeting



Starfall 1546

[!] Flyers with the king's seal were distributed all over Dar-Ach Denur. [!]

Kverit, Mighty Denurs of Arduan,

In the heart of our ancient halls, the High Council convened to discuss matters vital to our realm's prosperity.
Here's what was hammered out:

  1. Honoring the Rustcracker Clan: With a hearty "Aye!", the High Council has lifted the Rustcracker Clan to the ranks of the Great Clans. They now have a say in our affairs and a seat at our table. Let's give 'em a warm welcome, recognizing their knack for craftsmanship and their potential to shape our future.​
  2. Standing Against Darkness: In the eternal forge-fire of our determination, the Council has forged plans to confront the encroaching shadows. We might need to clink tankards with our neighbors to tackle these troubles together. United we stand, right? Let's keep the torches lit and the ale flowing, for in unity lies our strength.​
  3. Forging Infrastructure: We've decided to put some gold into sprucing up our digs. Tunnels are in the works to make travel in our empire smoother than a finely crafted axe swing. Plus, each Clan gets to build their own Hall, not just for meetings, but for practical stuff too. The Rustcracker Clan plans to turn theirs into a hub of innovation, blending tradition with progress.​
Let this announcement echo through our tunnels as a reminder of our unity and resilience!
Cheers to our shared future,

High Council of Arduan
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