A Call to Academics


Sultana of Anjyarr & GM
Staff member

A small poster would be plastered around northern cities, with traces of it blowing in the wind.
Written in neat handwriting

A call to all academics, scholars, and aspiring students alike.

My name is Nyician von Corvulithus. I am a Mineralogist, teacher of the arts, and student of the unknown.
I call to all of you, willing to teach or to learn, that an opportunity arises for you all. Preparations are being made to found a university within the port city of Lümburg, with the intention of achieving three primary adjectives. In short:

- Create an environment worthy for scholars to research under their own volition, and study arts, sciences or similar fields free of interruption. As well as providing the resources to make their research easier.

- Teach students of the age of 16 or older trades, sciences, arts, religion, or other studies with adequate funding for resources, faculties, and professors. Aiming to extend the view and mindset of students that they otherwise may not have been able to achieve. Students will not be limited to the city, and are free to range from any place in the continent.

- Provide facilities to store books, tomes, scrolls or other to allow for easy reference and safekeeping of valued books. Well organised and maintained by competent staff for public use, with contributions free of charge and loans of copies cheap.

Why do I tell you of this university? Well see, I invite academics from across the continent to join me and assist in the founding of this university. You are permitted to teach a subject field, or multiple. Or perhaps you wish to study at the university, in which case you can pre-enroll to secure a spot within the university, and ensure we meet adequate funding and requirements.
Follow with interest via letters to the attached address.

Nyician von Covulithus

Alongside the letter is an address for a building in the city of Lünburg.

Please message 4ppleseason on discord with interest. I need at least 5 students to found the university, and I need at least one other person to teach something. I myself wish to teach Geology, but that won't be enough. Thank you!