Faction Announcement A Game of Clue


After a long day of work on the Dominion's Military Ze'lli found himself
settling at his house to draft up a notice to send out to the rest of the realm.
The night had ended with quite a disturbing mystery left on the ramparts of
the city of Luminion which caused some questions to be asked and information
to be inquired upon.



To the Citizens of the Dominion, neighboring nations, and

those of interest across Eden's landscape.
On the day of Thunderday 4, Redfall, 1556, a discovery was made
at the ramparts of Luminion's gates. The hanging body of an Orc
refered to as, "Krisa" with their casting related proesthetic and head
severed. It was only by close examination was the body identified by
the Dominion's Court.

If any soul has information related to how Krisa had met their fate
or anything on the being that placed their body on the post it shall
remain on until ordered by the Therri'cill. Please seek out the Office of
Sentinen in Luminion or via letter to the Dominion Council themselves.

Ze'lli Ethirion Angron Ashendarei
The Lla'vitlir of the Dominion
The Pale Shadow of Luminion

Proprietor of the Ashendarei Vineyards
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