A heretic announcement

[Flyers appear all over Anjyarr]

Greetings people of Anjyarr, my name is Gyrath Kot-Thothzesh. Some of you may know me, some of you don't, but that doesn't matter.
I have finally decided I have enough and I will officially denounce every single religion that exists here on Eden.
Why may you ask, well I have written it all down and I will leave some of my copies in a chest in front of the noticeboard of Al-Jabrid.

I ask you good people to be openminded and take a look in it and if you got any questions, please come find me.
If my book resonates with you, please share it with family, friends, maybe even strangers or outsiders!

I want my voice to be heard and will not shut it, it is time for us to move to a better world, without the loathsome gods who keep letting us suffer.

-signed by Gyrath

OOC: I wanted to evolve my character to this for some time now, I have let hints drop here and there, so it isn't out of nowhere.