A Public Invitation to Celebrate


A Public Invitation to Celebration
(OOC Information: held at the Palace Ballroom on Sunday, August 25th 21:30 CEST (3:30PM EST)


*A poster was hung at all Hadrian settlements and specifically delivered to the residences of all noble houses except for Avelheim, and delivered in person to those of the Tyzrnowski Family and the Kaiser and Kaiserin*

"The Royal House would like to invite all nobles and commonfolk to A Celebration of the Accomplishments of the Prinz Hugo Alekzander von Lichtenfelts achieving the title of Ritter in the Order of the Golden Rose; and to extend the Congratulations of the Empire to her brave servants for a successful mission at the Landing of Lunberg.

There will be festivites, feasts, and much fun to be had in honor of our Soldiers and Leaders of our great Empire. All friends and allies of the Empire are welcome to join in the occasion. We look forward to seeing you all."

signed, your's truly:
Prinz Hugo Aleksander von Lichtenfelts
*Amari sees the poster getting off the boat from Avelheim*

"They couldn't be assed to put one on the island? All invited eh? Guess I'll go for the food"
Kiaron sat at his desk, writing up a contract, when he had a copy of the message delivered to him by his pet chameleon. As he glanced at the notice, he groaned, and walked over to his closet. He grabbed his wife’s coat, muttering to himself “I’m not gonna let this collect dust. She’d fucking kill me if she was still here.”