[!] The following decree was sent out across the territories of the Dominion [!]
A Trial of Will
To the People of the Dominion of Corithiel, THIS DAY
A Trial of Will
With each passing day, I am filled with more confidence that success is upon us. We have come far from where we began, and make strives to push ourselves further and further along our path. You must come to realize as I have that each of our involvements works collectively towards our shared promise. From joining the ranks of the Kataari, opening up a new business, to buying a home and starting a family, each of our acts pleases the other and works in tandem to create a flourishing society.
We have no doubt encountered great challenge to our cause, however. There are those who lack the enlightenment we all reach to attain, or others who would seek to divide us and cause strife amongst ourselves and our neighbors. We must avail ourselves of these bad actors, and come together, reminded of the reason we continue this great work; we must share with one another our Dream. For now, a new threat rises, not against us alone but all of Eden. Together we must unite against this common purpose, and we cannot shirk the mandate that providence has given us to act. Already do our neighbors prepare, and we too must join our Anjyarri, Denur, and Hadrian friends to defeat the evil which comes for us all. It is with this notice that the la'Cilmeri of the Dominion calls all available citizens to unite together, working to fulfill our Corithiel Dream in and outside of our borders, taking the fight to the Bone Lord to vanquish him and his conspirators once and for all. Further, the Dominion announces a tax break, freeing all citizens of economic obligation until the Bone Lord is defeated. To those unable to fight, work to offer your hands for labor and medical aid, supplying both life and resources to this global threat. We have put behind us many trials, overcoming challenges unexpected and foreseen, and now we face a Trial of Will. It is a task that asks us not only to put aside our differences, but to stand hand-in-hand with Eden to fell our foe. For those seeking aid, write to the Silver Citadel and much will be given. Together, our foe is already defeated, we must only see the final steps through.
Varyian Theris
Ia'Cilmeri of the Dominion of Corithiel,
Therri'cill of the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion,
Guardian of Purity,
Warden of Corithiel,
Theri of the Glade of the Dragons
Varyian Theris
Ia'Cilmeri of the Dominion of Corithiel,
Therri'cill of the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion,
Guardian of Purity,
Warden of Corithiel,
Theri of the Glade of the Dragons