A word of hope, from the next generation...


[!] A letter stamped with the insignia of the United Empire is nailed firmly to every notice board in Hadriana. It is written in neat cursive, but it does not take a trained eye to tell that the writer is young - based solely on the wobble of the quill. The words, while perhaps not typical of a 12 year old - are written by a prince; though likely with the help of a servant. [!]


Good Citizens of the Hadrian Empire,

I, Prinz Wilhelm II Sigismund von Lichtenfelts, and fellow citizen of our great Empire, write with the hope that this letter finds you in health and comfort; despite the daring circumstances we are facing. I am but a child, but even I can understand the severity of the threat that looms at our borders. With that said, I wanted to reach out on behalf of my generation - the youth of Hadriana - and express my sincere belief that we, as an United front, will not only withstand this threat - but flourish, despite it... in spite of it.

While much is uncertain, one thing is clear: we will thrive. All banners united under one, unanimous goal: the survival of the living.
I am a child, but I am a citizen of this great nation, too. And I know what is at stake.
We will meet on the battlefield when the time is right. With Alder's watchful eye and His Sentinels' strength, wisdom and courage; we will overcome.

Ritter, Citizen, Servant, Royal... we bleed the same blood.

Until we meet,

prinz wil signature.png

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