Player Announcement Chronicon #3: Percival Schwan departs from Eseron

[!] In the Lunburg harbor, the seagulls make some noise in the distance while you hear the waves hit the wharf made of wood. Some people awaits, trying to get some rest, while other transport goods of different genres.

After a long time of about 36 hours, some people collected around the office of master cartographer and trader Percival Schwan.

His office and the chartes he was working on, mainly about Ravendrecht Admiralty, Hybrid Warfare and The uncompleted Chronicon #3 were still there.
His bed undone, all signs he never moved into the castle he was named Warden of, which you'd find with a lot of dust in all of his rooms.
In a room at first floor, someone looking for the master screamed, discovering the horrible scene.
Percival Schwan died, thrusting his chest with his own sword.

Next to him some papers, stained with his own blood, were found.

"This is me, Percival Schwan.
I've been looking at Lunburg Sea from the harbor in these last moments. The view from my room is and will always be beautyful for me.
I have loved every minute of my life, from my first day in Adelsburg with my terrible bigot parents and my brothers and sisters that i love, training to the chivalry code. To the last one in Adelsburg with my own people, stubborn as always.

Ich bin Attian, but I have travelled all over the world. I have learnt how to love the sea, the women and the power of loving and smiling to people.

I love their identity as they are, and the marvels of Eden and their ethnicities. in all of their shades.
I have to admit I have dreamed, too much, since I have always been in love with hope and impossible dreams:
Hope of a peaceful Attia for all human races, where Attians and Khadans and Hinterlanders learn how to love each other.

Dream of a mixture of culture, where people in Al Khadir can love the Norlanden meat, spiced with their own miracolous fruit of their lands.
The aspiration to inspire society, to a better future and enjoy from the highest fruits that trade can deliver: People and Understanding.
But for the love I have for Alder and this very town, whose seagulls and people have enlightened my last years, I have to depart from this world.

I have to admit I have talked and worked, together with my lord Janczyk from the beginning in all the recent political events, for he was the one who gave me opportunities and love when I had none, and start all of my dreams.
My dream and project, i told Janczyk from the beginning, was to use the political events that made my lords depart, to keep Lunburg safe and in good health.
To use the political tension to convince Silas, to invest in Lunburg and his fleet, making it a powerholder.

I would have tried and convince him to expand the city, beyond the river, and build a great wall commanded by the warden.
Then I would have used this power to increase Lunburg indipendence, moving the hinterlanders and Attians into it, and in the end claim indipendence.
By both: Ravendrecht and Hadriana. A trade city, where all the people and religions would have been accepted. commanded by the only lord i did not betray, Lord Janczyk. In exchange for this promise, he promised to try and dissuade the Attians from attacking Lunburg.
He can tell about all of this.

The day before yesterday, I went to Adelsburg, and there I understood the plan I made up with Janczyk, could never be respected. I found hatred, corruption and despise, both for their own kind and their own people that lived abroad.
I introduced myself in my home town as an Ambassador from Ravendrecht, Great Admiral of the Orange fleet and Leader of my own private company, to respond for the Head Steward call of my private society to recontract the trade agreement of my Attian Company. I wanted to use the occasion to talk with the Kaiser and declare my friendship more oficially, as it had to be declared, by someone with my own blood. But there I entered a public tavern, to greet mein freund Janczyk. I have been called peasant, clown, and mistreated in every possible way you that will find this paper can imagine.

I waited a whole day, out of the tavern, because my will is strong and my heart brave, getting abused and mocked. Because I could not get back to Ravendrecht, that did not even know of my untold presence in the capital, and make the Stadtholder willing for a revenge that would have made the peace impossible forever.
That was when Eveline Ludwig, the Head Steward, entered the room. The o
nly logical thing for myself in respect of the nation whose I was ambassador, was to ask the officer in charge to say sorry for her citizen behaviour and close the case.
I did the only thing i could do and threatened to ask my country to punish the wrong doers with a scorn or other definitive punishments (which i did not really intend, but had to do to save the apparences) whenever the wrongdoers should have entered Ravendrecht.
At this, the Arch Steward responded with a very vulgar register and words like "what do you fucking want" (OOC:yes that happened in IC) and more threats.
The place was full of people of Eisarknoth, who teamed up with these Attian bandits in pushing me out of the place, once I declared my titles.
It is obvious to any living Attian that these people should not deserve any noble title, or to be considered Alderist or heirs to the Prince Severan who saved our people from the Witch.
I save only the Kaiser Diederick, my old friend and great person, with whom I was used to converse during his exile in Lunburg.

But anyway it is clear that my dream is doomed to fade. The Hammer of War will hit my city, sooner or later, and crowds of dead corpses will inhabit this beautiful landscape, dooming it to rot.

I hope that one day, people will finally understand how life can be opportunities and dream, and not just the limited circle of their nation to be expanded or reclaimed.

I want to be buried here in Lunburg, where my heart belongs. My coffin will be decorated with the colors of my lord Janczyk, in white and red, if he allows it. Otherwise just burn my corpse and spread it in the ocaean.
The Keep will return to Ravendrecht, and so the title of Great Admiral.
The Company will be taken over by my old uncle Baldwin, unless my friar brother Friederich would like to end his monastic life in Hadriana.
The Orange Banner will remain loyal to Ravendrecht and will keep asking the Stadtholder veto for his hiring.
I leave all of my goods to the company, and my 2000 Andros to Lord Janczyk with the sole purpose to give a house to the homeless girl Emmie and her friend, and others like them who are not indipendent and in need of help."​

To Janczyk: As I've told you: I would have died with my own dream;
never stop to seek a peaceful solutions, and remember to hope.

[the Seagoat. Symbol of Lunburg banners that was born from the Tzirnoski's symbol and colors]

Percival Schwan
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wasn't the "what the fuck is https" voided cause it was a joke??? 😭
Of Course I was not serious about "what the fuck is https". The link to the post was completely ignored in the whole conversation

[01:56:00] [CHAT] Percival Schwan says ""
[01:56:05] [CHAT] [L] Undeckedflame8 (Percival Schwan) » [ LINK ]
[01:56:05] [CHAT] Scott | He gets up, carrying his book.
[01:56:08] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig || There's the sound of quick footsteps into the entrace of the tavern, the sound rising from an exhausted looking woman who squints at Percival and then to Diedrick - She cocks her head to one side -
[01:56:13] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig says "What the fuck is an https"
[01:57:52] [CHAT] Percival Schwan nods "Ja ich bin Percival Schwan. I must say I remember Adelsburg more welcoming with his own attian people"
[01:58:22] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig says "And I remember when the head of merchant companies considered a matter of professionalism not to falsely advertise trade rights they don't have."
[01:59:17] [CHAT] Percival Schwan says "I entered this place as Great admiral and ambassador of Orange city and I've been severly mocked by an Attian name Johann, who'll be killed should he enter Ravendrecht"
[01:59:36] [CHAT] Percival Schwan says "Hans Murdock from Lowau will be scorned for pushing the Ravendrecht Great Admiral in ambassador clothes out of a tavern."
[02:00:43][CHAT] Percival Schwan says "I will add no other. I am more Attian than anyone and born in this town. I was friend to the kaiser before that all of these miserable creeps start to beg for his favours here in this tavern. I want more respect next time i come here"
[02:02:46] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig says "- No, you're not Percival, you're a fucking nobody. You come into our city, threaten to have our citizens /murdered/, and mock the Attian people who dwell here as 'miserable creeps'? - Respect is a two-way street. You don't behave-"
[02:02:53] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig says "- like that and get respect."
[02:04:00] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig says "Certainly it's the stadtholder has begun to employ Jesters in his navy."
[02:04:34] [CHAT] Eveline Ludwig says "You falsely advertised that your company had trade rights in Hadriana, and when I asked to speak to you, /politely/ you threan /death/ to our citizens, demand /respect/, and insult everyone present."

You should try and insult the mod team now that the guy is being punished for his rule breaking. How do they dare, to attack someone from Hadriana!?
And anyway, nice cooperation for solving the thing out. I had to send all the screens myself while you were madding for me menacing to punishing people for attacking an ambassador in foreign land.
Vilification, is pretty much a crime everywhere. And in feudal time it was normal to punish ambassador vilification with death.
But anyway you read the post and know he did not really mean it.
The real problem was Great Head Warden of Adriana speaking as a Truck Driver from Montana 😂
I would not write any longer, since a ticket have been created and some people are eventually get punished for powergaming me out of the place.
Also OOC, i cannot mock you people enough for doing this RP in a tavern, Like you enter randomly in a tavern, where by the way fighting is not allowed and you cannot attack people to send them away, and casually hear the Kaiser preparing its war🤣

I am removing the https part, which by the way was the only part that you could laugh about this horrible story of hate and disrespect.
I would gladly ask bardinatavern to get a ticket, instead of trying and use your staff knowledge to get advantage of people

[02:12:06] [CHAT] [L] bardnotinatavern (Eveline Ludwig) » ok if you want to keep stirring up shit oocly I'm going to file a ticket with moderation
why didn't you picked it up then, instead of pasting cut screenshot here of a single part of this conversation, and not take a mod ticket?
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This public knowledge or only people in Lunberg?
Only countries who deal with the Lunburg Banners, since their trade network is still working, as I've said in the post.
So Raevendrecht, Anjyarri and Hadriana
The news would slowly trickle southwards, whether by word or paper, towards the Anjyarri lands through their networks or roads or otherwise. Eventually it reached the ever-listening long ears of Aegnern, likely enjoying a cup of rum at the tavern with Riddle.

“He be dead..? Over that as well, huh… Ana am not too surprised. The iban gathara went over his head, maybe even the tomb had a secret visitor cling to his back, harboring such bad azah. What’s done is done, may the fucker find some rest now after all the.. mockery. Ana shan’t tempt fate to disturb his corpse, as he disturbed our ancestors’. Ana must move on, more things to do.”

The voodoo dark elf would swig down the last drop of booze, pay his tab and head to the bathhouse, steam rising out from the windows as the wisp went out to dance in the moonlight.
Sparrow sits in the library, Perusing books until he stops on a certain page.
"A coward quits after one hard day.."
He nods, finding great wisdom in the page.