Election program De Raevensche Vryheitspartij (Raeven freedom party)


Community Team
Staff member

The plans of De Raevensche Vryheitspartij
(Raeven Freedom party)


༺ Foreign affairs & Relations
❈ Creating alliances or neutral bonds with other nations
How are we willing to achieve this?
We have several plans to improve these relationships. One of our ideas is to organize a big feast for all or many national leaders and other important people in the nations. During this event we can discuss things such as trade and other matters, but also just casually with each other to get to know each other better.

❈ More state visits
What kind of benefits come with this
We also have an idea to plan more state visits. Now that the war is over and it is starting to become safer in most nations, it is also safer for us to visit these nations. By visiting other nations more often and getting to know the people there, we also learn a lot about other nations. This could have advantages in many cases.

❈ More events for all people of Eden
Why do we want this?
We have a very nice room in our palace for festivities that we don't use a lot. I've come up with a plan that will make us work on our relationships and make use of this space. We will be hosting more events for everyone in Eden. Think for example of Masquerades, a ball or other types. This is how we give a positive and hospitable image. This ensures that people are more likely to visit our nation or spread positive stories about us.

༺ Culture
❈ The Raevensche spelen (The raevenlympics)
What will this look like?
To merge our culture and our beautiful surroundings into 1 whole, we came up with the idea of organizing a major sporting event every 4 years. Everyone from Eden is welcome to participate in the various snow and ice related sports. Think of skating, skiing, sledding, ski jumping and tobogganing.

We also want to organize a similar event with games. Think of the old Raevensche games that we also played at the fair. Examples include tug of war and sack race, but also shot put, long jump and sprint. The plan is to alternate both events, so that you have, for example, the variant with the snow and ice sports one time and the variant with the games 2 years later.

❈ Culture day

What would this look like?
As we all know, we have a lot of different cultures living within our nation. That’s why I am planning on hosting an event every year or every 6 months dedicated to our different cultures. On this day every person gets to share things from their own culture like food, music, activities, fashion and more. They also get the chance to learn more about the cultures of the other citizens.

༺ Religion
❈ Making the church active again
How are we planning to do this?
At the moment, of course, we have one beautiful church in town. For this we need an active team that ensures that the church offers an opportunity to express the faith. We want to achieve this by looking for people who would like to help. It would be very nice if, for example, we had a church service once a week or month. In addition, our citizens also deserve a place to confess. Together with the interested parties, we will make a plan to keep this running.

❈ Religious places for other religions
What are we going to do?
Our nation has residents of just about every race. This means that we also know many different beliefs and cultures in Raevendrecht. We want every resident to feel comfortable and welcome as a nation. We want to ensure this by offering locations where people of other faiths can express their faith. We have a number of empty buildings in the city, and we also have space in and around New Wakkerdam. We can use this space to create and furnish these places.

༺ Economy & Trade
❈ Working on a system to make sure our nation gets enough funds.
What are our ideas about this?
During my term, me and my ministers devised many schemes to get money for the nation. An example of this was the fair, where we collected 1000 andros. During these types of events, a large part of the income (in the case of the fair all income) goes to the nation. People also like these kinds of events and it ensures that more people visit our nation. In addition, it opens a few doors to collaborations or trade opportunities with other nations.

❈ Increasing the amount of trade in our nation.
How are we going to achieve this?
We want to achieve this by organizing more trade and market related events. For example the Fair we hosted before. Not only did that give the citizens to trade with the other citizens, but also to trade with people from different nations.

Another idea we have to do this is by hosting a market (once an ooc week). Citizens can stall their products for free during the day and sell their products to other citizens or visitors from other Nations.

༺ Health & Education
❈ Making sure the medical department gets more effective.
How are we doing this?
Every citizen gets invited to come to the clinic for a quick check-up (once in 1 or 2 ooc weeks). By doing this we will make sure all our citizens stay healthy and get the treatment they need in case something is going wrong.

We also want to introduce the idea of a medical file system. This will be some sort of document that has all medical information about a patient in them. No worries, the document will stay between the client and the medics. The reason for this document is to make the job of the medic easier. They can use this information to find out what treatment works best for the patient and their medical history.

❈Training more people to be medics

Why do we need this?
The health and well-being of our citizens is very important to me. That's why I think more people should be trained as medics. At the moment there are 2 to 3 medics in our nation, this is certainly a good start. In addition, of course, we also have a few people who know a thing or two about bandaging wounds and other basic parts in the medical field. If we educate our citizens in such a way that there are at least several who know the basics, it is easier to provide good care. If more people can help, it will also be easier to help people faster in emergency situations.

❈Educating people for certain jobs
How are we going to do this and what would benefit our nation?
We’d like to start working on our program to educate citizens about different jobs. My plan is to work together with the academy and the citizens who are trained in a profession to train others in professions. To give an example of this: let’s say you want to be a blacksmith, but you don’t know that much about it yet. You can participate in the classes of a former blacksmith and learn everything you want to know. These classes are also for people who don’t really know what they want yet and just want to learn about different kinds of professions to find out what you like. How am I going to do this? Well I want to work with the academy on a program where people with a profession can participate in. These people will teach the people interested in their specialized job everything they know about the job.

༺ Safety

❈ A better trainingfield for the army

What are our ideas about this?
Currently, the army’s training field is too small and lacks the necessary equipment. I have been working on plans to create a new training field with the right facilities to address this issue. This includes targets for practicing shooting with eyes, separate stables for the army’s horses, a place to practice fighting on horses and a larger area for practicing fighting with melee weapons.

❈ Self Defense classes for citizens.
Why is this important?
Of course we have the grand army that ensures the nation remains safe for everyone. In general, this works fine in certain situations, but there are also situations where it just isn't possible. For example, think of someone who walks quietly on the path and suddenly comes face to face with a bear or other animal. Something that would be nothing new in the north of Eden. Because of this, I think it's important to provide our citizens with self-defense lessons. During these lessons they learn the basics of fighting and defense.
Diederick would read through the pamphlet provided to his new home and shrugs.
"Perhaps the third time's the charm with them. I have yet to see it all manifest."
*Would read the pamphlet carefully a speaks* A must say, these look promissin........this take me interests on sum points *continue's reading it and folds it and puts it in my pocket* A bette' talk with ye lass to ask sum more an' others, see how sharp ye words are