HOUSE OF BAIREIKSING - πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ²


Thiudan of Eisarnknoth






Name: Baireiksing, πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ²

Origin: Hadriana

Seat: Eisarnwidus

Culture: Eisarnthiuda

Languages: Attian, Eisarnthiuda, Common

House Theme: Heilung

Religion: Wahrheit Alderism

House Colors: White and Black



β€œMoral law is an invention of mankind for the disenfranchisement of the powerful in favor of the weak."
- Aleksandra Baireiksing


Order | One of the most important aspects of the House of Baireiksing’s code. Due to the North’s cold, brutal, hellscape, order needs to be upheld to stay alive. Efficiency is an utmost priority within Eisarnthiuda society. If you fall, you fail in the eyes of a Baireiksing.

Freedom | With order, freedom is the balance. House Baireiksing believes that following authority will grant you freedom in time. Efforts to follow in the footsteps of your figures in authority allows you to push off and be emancipated with the skills of the past, granting you wisdom and liberty.

Loyalty | Consistently being loyal to the Kingdom, Alder, and the House is imperative to the Baireiksings. Proving your loyalty by listening to the Thiudan’s words and taking them to heart will grant you respect.

Zealotry | Your faith is your life. Alder has guided us all here to live, thrive, and die. Follow in the ways of the Sentinels, learn their stories, become one with them. Be ardent in your faith, show others the way of Wahrheit Alderism, and let Him guide you.



"Order is the calling that everyone needs. Without it, our world and tradition fall from grace."
- Lotte Baireiksing


The House of Baireiksing claims they come from a long line of men in service to Alder, starting in the First Age of Man. As time went along, the people once known as the Baireiksing became the Salier instead through modern Attian influence. During the Raevendrecht-Hadriana War in 1532, a rising officer, Aleksandra Salier broke free from the Empire, leading her people to the South. Some of the now Baireiksing family stayed behind in Adelsburg, unable to give up their previous home. To save her family from their father, Viktor, Aleksandra had him slain in ritual fashion, beginning their ascent to Eisarnknoth. Now Aleksandra has begun a sudden revival of Alder’s ways, reverting back to the original name, Baireiksing, or β€œbear ruler” in Common. The House of Baireiksing also founded a separation of Alderism, Wahrheit Alderism. Their rule in the newly proclaimed Kingdom of Eisarnknoth has begun a return to the old ways of their people.



β€œLife’s delights always have their bittersweet ends, however, those ends are what we fight to avoid.”
- Antoinette Baireiksing



Aleksandra Baireiksing, πŒ°πŒ»πŒ΄πŒΊπƒπŒ°πŒ½πŒ³π‚πŒ° πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | Lionfiles
Now suddenly thrust into a position of power in her family structure, Aleksandra DragiΔ‡ is a hardworking and extremely stubborn, traditionalist, who cares deeply for the ways of her people. She stands at 6’4’’ with a sharp mind and similarly honed muscles that she has trained extensively for the art of combat. Her weapon of choice is the kriegsmesser, a large sword that very well mirrors her inordinate desire to uphold order both within her own household and in her culture at large. She is a devotee of tradition, striving to uphold what she staunchly believes to be a system befitting her culture and that she wishes to see passed down to further generations. Despite this callused exterior, Aleksandra also boasts a softer side. She cares deeply for her wife, Antoinette, and has proven her willingness to defend her and their home time and time again. For now, the young woman plans the future of her line and of her family, preparing them for a future that Aleksandra endeavors to prosper in.

Antoinette Baireiksing, πŒ°πŒ½π„π…π‰πŒΉπŒ½πŒ΄π„π„πŒ΄ πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | 3Euphoria3
Despite being from Lionnais culture, Antoinette has strong pride in her spouse and Eisarnthiuda culture, her beliefs being a mixture of both. The young woman would normally be stern while speaking, having a firm belief on what she deems wrong and right, though flexible when coming to her partner’s wishes. She presents herself as a proper woman and takes the role of such, rarely straying from that standard unless absolutely necessary. From her clothing to how she fixes her hair, every inch of the woman would be deemed perfection.

Alfred Baireiksing, πŒ°πŒ»π†πŒΊπŒ΄πŒ³ πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | GriffinCA

Ilse Baireiksing, πŒΉπŒ»πƒπŒ΄ πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | Semoryn

Lotte Baireiksing, πŒ»π‰π„π„πŒ΄ πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | moominoid
A young individual of only seventeen who, despite her young age, is incredibly firm in her beliefs. Though her actions and purpose in life are not prominent, as is tradition within her culture, the young Eisarnthiuda has a viper tongue. The only aspect of herself that strays from the normality of the Eisarnthiuda, Lotte is not afraid to voice and push on her stringent ideas on what should and should not be.

Arnulf Baireiksing, πŒ°πŒΊπŒ½πŒΏπŒ»π† πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | NPC
An erudite young man with a great passion for the natural world around him and the allure of the academic world. He is twins with his sister and cultural head, Aleksandra, but could not be more different from the woman. He feels no deep connection to the traditions of his people, instead following his own will and pursuing things that his family would deem useless. Despite this, he can come across as very rude, caring much less about social rules than he likely should, and usually presents himself as very detached and uninterested in the social hierarchy. This can often be mistaken for foolishness, but Arnulf can present himself with a high degree of intelligence, education, and tact when he cares to do so.

Emmerich Baireiksing, EπŒΌπŒΌπŒ΄π‚πŒΉπŒΈπŒ· πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | thouxanbandom

Katherine Baireiksing, πŒΊπŒ°π„πŒ·πŒ΄π‚πŒΉπŒ½πŒ΄ πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | NPC
Being forced into an arranged marriage by her father, Katherine was not able to choose her life from the beginning. Even so, she cares for her children like any other mother would, being slightly strict when it comes to discipline. Her methods now have toned down due to Heinrich’s death, allowing her to be freer than before. Her political stance is quite stark compared to the rest of her family, albeit understandably.

Heinrich Baireiksing, πŒ·πŒ΄πŒΉπŒ½π‚πŒΉπŒΊ πŒ±πŒ°πŒΉπ‚πŒ΄πŒΉπŒΊπƒπŒΉπŒ½πŒ² | NPC
He grew up as any other Attian man would, following the standards society set out for him. Although, one difference showed compared to his predecessors. Heinrich wasn’t fond of the completely hereditary way of things. He understood that being a part of the family was ideal but disagreed that every man was able to be a leader. Once he found out about Arnulf’s β€œfailures,” he turned to Aleksandra, deciding to instill everything he knew into her instead. Maybe she could change the next generation to become more meritocratic, to become fairer. Once he saw the blade within his abdomen, he knew something had gone wrong. In the end, he created what he wished would never happen, another version of himself.



β€œWhat have you become?”
- Heinrich Baireiksing



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