Player Event Northern Seafarers Guild: Treasure Hunt


[!] This message containing the crest of the 'Northern Seafarer's Guild' would be sent across the several nations of Eden [!]



Harvestday 26th, Highsun of 1531

Today the crew of a merchant vessel have been arrested for unorderly conduct. They saw fit to indulge themselves with a few bottles of 'Whalers-Wodka', making them unaware of their own actions. As they saw fit to harass other merchants visiting Lunberg they also found it acceptable to commit the following crimes.

Stealing & Extorting

The merry band of sailors did not pay for any drinks or food that they consumed, and threw multiple barrels full of goods into the sea. Stealing others of their labours and rightfully earned coin. They also managed to relief others of their coin by threatening to hurl their wares into the sea, some did not give in.


There was a attempt to gain excess to the guild-warehouse, no doubt they hoped to steal wares of great value to sell somewhere else for profit. this caused damage to the building as they tried to force their way through the doors. As the 'Thieving-Vandals' where unable to enter the warehouse they found it a good idea to smear their excrement on multiple buildings, causing the paint to be ruined and a unpleasant odor.

Eventually the guards where alerted to the ongoing situation and stopped the unruly crew, throwing them into the castle's dungeons to await their judgement by the Herzog. In Flussland stealing is punishable by the amputation of one's hands.

Their captain requested to meet with the Herzog and the following has been stated. All whom have been stolen from and/or extorted will be compensated for their loss. the vandals shall clean all building and repair any damages done during their rampage. In return they may keep their hands and return to Lunberg after five years. If they return before that they shall be given their original punishment.

As a show of goodwill the captain gifted the Herzog a map, said to have been gained from another merchant. It is more likely to be a smugglers map. It details a route from Lunberg to the 'Siren Islands' wherein the islands have been marked with 'Treasure'


We have been gifted this map by the Herzog. Curious as to if the map will actually yield treasure we have decided to host a expedition! The main goal is to unearth any buried treasure, however should we fail in this endeavour our expenses will be covered by sailing to 'Salus Limin' and trading wares.
It might prove to be a difficult undertaking since the "Coral Shores' are said to be patrolled by the infamous Kapt’n Knaraugh Gol’toof, a Faulskin pirate preying on unprotected vessels.

Are you born with sea-legs and do you not fear the dangers that may be faced on sea, please come and participate in our expedition!

May you be blessed by thine deity.

Signed by,
The Guild master of the Northern Seafarer's Guild


Time and date: 3/3 at 9PM-CET (European) 3PM-EST (US)

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