Nation Announcement Notice for the Execution of Cirdan 'Lichbane'


[!] A notice has been plastered near the gate of Raevendrecht, as well as copies being dispatched to other major settlements. [!]


Notice for the Execution of Cirdan 'Lichbane', Wineday 3, Newdawn, 1534
Issued by the Orange Guard of the Republic of Raevendrecht

Earlier this morning, Cirdan 'Lichbane' was executed by order of the Stadtholder, Silas Moetiour-van Leuveren. They were captured the day before their execution after a warrant for their arrest was issued by Captain Eveline Ludwig of the Orange Guard, for the crime of banditry on the road to Lunburg. The warrant was issued after a member of the Orange Guard, Stor Kulur, was badly injured in an attack by Cirdan after asking them to leave Raevendrecht after confronting him while he was armed and in disguise. The attack left Stor severely injured and blind in one eye, though he survived. It is currently believed by the Orange Guard that this was the last in a series of ambushes perpetrated by Cirdan since his exile from the High Kingdom of Luminion, and similar attacks had been reported outside of Raevendrecht. During the altercation he claimed himself as part of the Order of Lazarus, members of which had been seen patrolling inside Raevendrecht recently before the attack.

After his capture he was interviewed by Captain Ludwig, during which he admitted to the attack as well as concurring with Stor Kulur's account of the situation, though he denied being a member of the Order of Lazarus which is currently believed to be truthful. After this, he was offered a last meal and testament before being taken to the gallows out the West Gate of Raevendrecht. His execution was overseen by General Berend Berendzoon and Captain Ludwig, though the executioner will remain anonymous for their safety. He was beheaded cleanly, and his body and affects delivered to Castle Helstein as per his request.

General Berendzoon during the proceedings, declared that the execution will serve as a stark warning to those who seek to harm the Republic and it's sovereignty.

Finally, Captain Ludwig has requested it be formally noted that they requested a stay of execution before the proceedings.

Captain Eveline Ludwig

General Berend Berendzoon
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Alyona would raise an eyebrow upon reading it, blowing a piece of hair out of her face she mumbled the following "A shame it wasn't me taking his head." she'd then just walk away