Event Announcement The Final Army approaches...

[!] The skies above Castle Gheistmire darken, a green beam of energy shooting up into the sky, breaking the newly formed black clouds over the swamp. The scene can be seen from the Hadrian Empire, Confederation of Arduan and the Dominion of Corithiel, but rumours of the event spread throughout Eden. Do not metagame the following dialogue. [!]


Akhmat steps outside the gates of Castle Gheistmire, his staff in hand. He raises it up, gathering souls from nearby undead, as he conjures the green beam into the sky. Slowly, a tear cracks open, growing larger and larger by the minute. Mordazzan steps outside, watching over the undead Pharo as he looks at his undead army, ready to defend the castle if needed. The undead dragon still circles around the floating keep, screeching with an audible and horrifying roar that would strike fear into the bravest of men. A Ghastly Lady appears in front of the general, silently looking at Mordazzan. He turned and said “Voice of My Master, go around to the living kingdoms, give them the message of the impending doom.” The Ghastly Lady bowed, replying “Of course general, with pleasure.” A childish laugh followed, with her flying off.


[!] The following scene takes place in all the nations around Eden. The Ghastly Lady moves to the the Northern People of the Hadrian Empire, the Elves of the Dominion of Corithiel, the Denur of the Confederation of Arduan, the Southern People of the Sultanate of Anjyarr and the Orcs and Goblins of the the Faul Tide of Zadh Nadrozz. In every town and city, she brings the same message. [!]

The wind howled as the Ghastly Lady drifted across the skies. Her ethereal laughter echoed across the land, a cold, cruel sound that chilled even the most courageous hearts. From the icy peaks of the North to the burning deserts of the South, the cities and villages of Eden knew that her arrival was near. Her shrill voice rang out across the horizon, carried by screeching winds. "Those who wear the crowns of fragile power, hear the words of Alcadizar, Lord of Bones, Master of the Undying Legions! Ye kingdoms, so proud and so defiant, shall fall before the tide of death! It matters not how high thy walls rise, or how many soldiers thy armies number. All will be swept away before Alcadizar’s wrath! His armies are coming, and soon, all will join his glorious host, ye bones becoming the very foundation of his throne!" The sky above each kingdom darkened as she passed, clouds swirling in unnatural patterns. Her words were like a plague, spreading despair and terror in her wake. "Do ye truly believe ye can stand against the inevitable? Do ye still cling to yer fleeting lives? Foolish mortals!" She cackled again, the sound like a thousand bones grinding together. "Alcadizar’s will cannot be defied. He offered ye a choice: to bow before him, joining his eternal army, dying and undying for his cause... or face annihilation in the fires of his coming legions! You have chosen your fate!" Her message had been delivered, and the Bone Lord’s armies were closer to being summoned with each passing day.


OOC: The final battle against the Bone Lord and his armies will continue 9th of February, at 8pm CET/2pm EST. The event party will be split into three, dividing the larger group into 3 smaller ones to make the event more fun and engaging for everyone! Prepare a more melee focussed squad to face the undead head on, one squad with ranged options for the Castle’s airborne protector and one squad with plenty of magical prowess to defeat the ghosts that haunt the Keep. Summon your armies, the battle of the living and the dead shall commence!
The jester sat from the edge of an roof as he watched the ghast. "How interesting, Interesting!" He giggled as the ghast left Anjyarr to head to the next city. "This might just be entertaining!" He swung his legs and watched the people with a giant smile.
[!] The skies above Castle Gheistmire darken, a green beam of energy shooting up into the sky, breaking the newly formed black clouds over the swamp. The scene can be seen from the Hadrian Empire, Confederation of Arduan and the Dominion of Corithiel, but rumours of the event spread throughout Eden. Do not metagame the following dialogue. [!]


Akhmat steps outside the gates of Castle Gheistmire, his staff in hand. He raises it up, gathering souls from nearby undead, as he conjures the green beam into the sky. Slowly, a tear cracks open, growing larger and larger by the minute. Mordazzan steps outside, watching over the undead Pharo as he looks at his undead army, ready to defend the castle if needed. The undead dragon still circles around the floating keep, screeching with an audible and horrifying roar that would strike fear into the bravest of men. A Ghastly Lady appears in front of the general, silently looking at Mordazzan. He turned and said “Voice of My Master, go around to the living kingdoms, give them the message of the impending doom.” The Ghastly Lady bowed, replying “Of course general, with pleasure.” A childish laugh followed, with her flying off.


[!] The following scene takes place in all the nations around Eden. The Ghastly Lady moves to the the Northern People of the Hadrian Empire, the Elves of the Dominion of Corithiel, the Denur of the Confederation of Arduan, the Southern People of the Sultanate of Anjyarr and the Orcs and Goblins of the the Faul Tide of Zadh Nadrozz. In every town and city, she brings the same message. [!]

The wind howled as the Ghastly Lady drifted across the skies. Her ethereal laughter echoed across the land, a cold, cruel sound that chilled even the most courageous hearts. From the icy peaks of the North to the burning deserts of the South, the cities and villages of Eden knew that her arrival was near. Her shrill voice rang out across the horizon, carried by screeching winds. "Those who wear the crowns of fragile power, hear the words of Alcadizar, Lord of Bones, Master of the Undying Legions! Ye kingdoms, so proud and so defiant, shall fall before the tide of death! It matters not how high thy walls rise, or how many soldiers thy armies number. All will be swept away before Alcadizar’s wrath! His armies are coming, and soon, all will join his glorious host, ye bones becoming the very foundation of his throne!" The sky above each kingdom darkened as she passed, clouds swirling in unnatural patterns. Her words were like a plague, spreading despair and terror in her wake. "Do ye truly believe ye can stand against the inevitable? Do ye still cling to yer fleeting lives? Foolish mortals!" She cackled again, the sound like a thousand bones grinding together. "Alcadizar’s will cannot be defied. He offered ye a choice: to bow before him, joining his eternal army, dying and undying for his cause... or face annihilation in the fires of his coming legions! You have chosen your fate!" Her message had been delivered, and the Bone Lord’s armies were closer to being summoned with each passing day.


OOC: The final battle against the Bone Lord and his armies will continue 9th of February, at 8pm CET/2pm EST. The event party will be split into three, dividing the larger group into 3 smaller ones to make the event more fun and engaging for everyone! Prepare a more melee focussed squad to face the undead head on, one squad with ranged options for the Castle’s airborne protector and one squad with plenty of magical prowess to defeat the ghosts that haunt the Keep. Summon your armies, the battle of the living and the dead shall commence!
[!] Overlooking the marshes at a makeshift campfire he sat by himself, his head between his knees staring at the ground, forgotten. He reminisced of the lands he once called hopefull. After the murder of his uncle, who Mordazan used to terrorise him in his sleep he waited. He felt betrayed. The new land, his Republic. His chance to give his people liberty and freedom was forlorn. He was an older man now. His armor ragged, the crest faded, his face gray. He had given everything. But in the end he was betrayed, by his friends, family and all the idle company who used his prowess to pursue their own gains. There he sat, his hands on the bow his outcast father had once given to him, he kissed the ring found on his dead ambitious mothers remains, he pondered. He had seen the bog come to life, as corpses gathered, some bearing the crest he had fought for and against at Flüslanding. He was tired, but his mind tormented by Mordazan. His child Koenraad, he thought was growing up to be a better man than him. He himself was a failure in a line of greats. Those who had stood before him had fought till the end and at that instance he drew his decrapid sword.

Mordazan [!] he mumbled [!]

“You have taken everything and set upon the downfall of all that I have held dear. I swear, upon the creator God of my forefathers that I will lay your bones to rest or die trying. [!] He stood up malnourished but envigorated. [!] Merck toch hoe sterck
The Author watches as the Ghastly Lady passes by through his spyglass. He hears her tidings of war and mutters to himself
“Maybe the rebellion can wait… I’ll get to work on my father’s armor. It’s time I let that heirloom breathe…”
The Hinterlander saw the lady fly above his office, listening to her dreadful words as the sky became dead and heavy for brief moments.
"Well... Shit. Sooner than expected.."
He then put down the documents he had just sorted, glancing at his giant axe, hanging on the wall to his left.
Fa'eron observed the events unfold from one of the towers in Luminion “Prepare yourself, Alcadizar,” he whispered, his eyes glowing brighter with the infernal power that surged through him. “The fire comes for you.”
The fireplace roared before Varyian, its embers floating up and soon dying off as they met the surrounding stonework. He was seated in the large couch which directly faced the hearth, adorned in his night attire- a simple black robe overwhich he wore a deep red shawl. The color scheme of his outfit blended well with the couch and surrounding furniture, all fashioned in a reddish clay color, contrasted by the lighter wooden table that rested before him. He had been there for sometime - this was, afterall, his second favorite room in the palace, where few would bother him and he could relax. He had already made it through a glass of wine, and began working on his second as he heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

His eyes turned to the side, off of the flames, looking to his periphery without yet turning his head. A quiet groan left him as the footsteps seemed to grow louder.
"What is it now?" he thought to himself, believing his dealings with Prinz Wilhelm and his daughter the day before had been enough for one week. The 'Cill servant rounded the corner and approached, his hands clasped together in front of him as he came into sight of Varyian. He turned his head, setting down his wine glass to hear what the servant had to say. "la'Cilmeri..." he bowed his head, raising it to deliver the rest of the message, a hint of fear in his tone "The Bonelord's armies are rallying... a powerful spirit flies over our land delivering ill omens of what is to come.."

Varyian turned inward. At once he thought news was to be brought that something had gone wrong.. perhaps the Empire had taken his recent letter negatively? Were the Kobolds impressing themselves upon Salus Limin? What had Fa'eron failed to do or Sy'dra have gotten herself into? Alas, it was none of them. His head turned back to the fireplace, staring into the flames as if trying to recall something... Finally, his hand reached out, reacquiring his wine glass. His attention turned down, swirling the wine and taking a sip as his other hand waved off the servant, dismissing him from the chamber.

"Return when there is word of something more than an empty threat..." With that, he returned to his position of comfort, listening to the servant's footsteps draw farther and farther away. As they did, so too did the wine in his glass begin to empty.. perhaps it was time for a third glass?