Nation Announcement The First Speaking.


Gamemaster Team
Staff member
[!] Flyers would be spread across the lands of Anjyarr once more, though a few would slither there way into other nations of Eden. The letter was adorned with theatrics one would only find within the palaces walls, including the seal of Anjyarr stamped onto it. The message was short, but it got its point across to those who came by it. [!]

A talk, a discussion, and a detailed plan on the future of Anjyarr.

As stated before, I do not seek your support or your blessings. The nation will succeed and flourish once more, regardless of external approval.

Therefore, I call upon you, the people, to meet me at Gatesway 4, the building to the left of 'The Sanctum of Hidden Truths,' within the coming weeks.

This meeting will serve as an open forum for discussions regarding the future of Anjyarr, my plans to restore the nation to its former glory, and any concerns you may have.

The public affairs meeting will take place on 07.10.1547.


Signed by,
Ralvvon Menaharian

OOC: Thursday 7:30pm EST (06/06/2024)
Short notice cos I don't want to lose anymore tiles 😔
Co-ords: -1992, 77, 280
Last edited:
Time changed to 07/06/2024 because I forgot how timezones worked and didn't realise I put it in front of Mikas B)