Treaty The Peace of Luminion


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden

[!] The following news would be spread throughout Eden, with messages send to all major nations and an official document kept in both Raevendrecht and the Imperium [!]


A visual representation by artists in Raevendrecht on the Peace of Luminion


The Following Peace was conducted on the 14th of Highsun 1532

Representatives of the Republic of Raevendrecht and Hadriana have come together in the halls of Luminion to discuss terms to put an end to the Raeven-Hadrian War. These talks have taken place under the watchfull eye of Therri'cill Aldir'tor Zaithral.

Present for Raevendrecht were Grand Pensionary Jinx van der Bijlkrijger, General Berend Berendzoon, Dain Zakarian and Stadtholder Silas Moetiour van Leuveren.

Present for the Imperium of Hadria was ambassador Corvus.


To put an end to a long and bloody conflict both nations have agreed to the following terms:

1. The Territory of Flüssland (OOC: Tile 7) occupied by the Hadrians in the premier months of the war is returned to the Republic of Raevendrecht

2. All refugees who reside in Raevendrecht in the aftermath of the change of government in Hadriana are recognized as citizens of the Republic. Therefore the Republic carries responsibility for these citizens. Should any of the former loyalists and now refugees of Hadriana commit hostile acts towards the Imperium a duo investigation of both Raevendrecht and Hadrian marshalls will be launched to determine if these citizens are to be brought forward to the courts of the Imperium.

3. To establish a lasting peace and to put an end to the Civil War in the Imperium the Republic of Raevendrecht annexes the territory of Lunburg and incorporates the Tzyrnowski family as its Lord-Regents. To compensate for this transfer of land the Republic agrees to pay a sum of twentythousand andros for this new territory.

4. The Peace Established in this treaty will also create peace between Raevendrecht's ally Zadh-Nadrozz and the Imperium.

5. A pact of non-agression between the nations of Raevendrecht and the Imperium will be signed to last for at least three years and is said to expire in Highsun 1535, to be recontinued after new negotiations.

6. Both the Imperium of Hadria and the Republic of Raevendrecht will agree to put aside their differences and form a united front against the Bone Lord incursions in Eden and his pledgers.

This treaty was signed and rattified on the 21st of Highsun 1532

Ambassador Corvus of the Imperium of Hadria acting on behalf of Supreme Chancellor Sine Verrador
Stadtholder Silas Moetiour van Leuveren, Prince of Catamora and Lord Protector of the Hinterlands
Grand Pensionary Jinx van der Bijlkrijger
