Nation Announcement The Sealing of Dar- Azur


Common Tailor, Aeri'Cill of Luminion
Staff member

Silver Phoenixes would fly to all corners and Nations of Eden, delivering this news
The Seal of Dar-Azur

In recent months, more and more people from all walks of life have been falling victim to the horrors that dwell within the corrupted hold. In an effort to prevent future death and sicknesses, the Azari'Cill have deemed it necessary to seal off the hold. The Frigomancer Eldrion Aedaere has under the full permission and wishes of the Crown sealed the hold in a case of Ice and Snow.

Any attempt to unleash the horrors within the hold will answer to the Crown of Luminion and be dealt a swift death by the courts for going so heedlessly to a place of Voidal taint.

This letter comes as a cause for relief and a warning.


Cirlia Zaithrall
Respen Zaithrall
Eldrion Aedaere

From within the now sealed off denur hold a tentacle made of crimson ooze hung noticing the cycle of day and night did not shine inside of the hold anymore. The bashing and buzzing behind the door had lessened after the hold got sealed to the appeal of something sensing things through the ooze from another place.
A stray hellhound sprinted up the palace of Catamora with a dead phoenix crushed in its undeathly maw, along with the newsletter announcing the seal. The sound of hooves clopping across the floor echoes through the abandoned throne room, taking the piece of paper from the avian's shattered beak. With bloodied hands, a grin of fangs shone through the darkness with an equally dark chuckle ringing out from the horned figure.

"Good... Very good..."
Claira would read the missive and sigh deeply. "Another 'enlightened' decision made purely out of ignorance," She utters while shaking her head. "I suppose we must let whatever is there fester and gain strength, learning nothing and being ill-prepared when it decides to break free." Claira's expression would be mournful as she folds the missive and places it in her bag. "It seems authoritarianism has no end in the Glade."
Claira would read the missive and sigh deeply. "Another 'enlightened' decision made purely out of ignorance," She utters while shaking her head. "I suppose we must let whatever is there fester and gain strength, learning nothing and being ill-prepared when it decides to break free." Claira's expression would be mournful as she folds the missive and places it in her bag. "It seems authoritarianism has no end in the Glade."
Claira fighting against the fascist regime fr

Silver Phoenixes would fly to all corners and Nations of Eden, delivering this news

Ezekiel looks over the missive with his brows furrowing
"Cowardice.. Stay secluded, don't damage your porcelain skin.."
He said, a scowl leaving his mouth
"Also never hide behind your decendant efforts to quell off voidal horrors, if any of you take pride in your power-.. It's to be pissed on and walked over."
Fenrir would wiggle his ears lightly, looking towards the empty desert. "They took not the best option. ." The voice softly spoke, yet humming in a rather calming tone as his blood fox appeared. " Hand this to my master." He spoke lightly, handing it the letter and patting it gently. "Careful out there small one. . If needed i could make a trip myself. . But thats up to the Lord's choice." He spoke, finishing as he walked away back into the deserts.
Normally one needs many words to create horror but as soon as he saw the words Dar-Azur his blood stopped flowing for a moment, shivers making him feel as cold as a dead body. The memories of his day in there, the stench, the weird plants, his voice and his touch, they aren't easy to suppress. "More victims means more activity... by the smiling one, I pray that he forgot me." For a moment he felt the phantom pain of his old wounds, needing to remind himself that he survived that day, that being. "For once I hope the high elfs did the right thing..."