I think ranged weapons need a tad more range, effectively being able to be run down by most melee in a single turn with dash. (Artillery/batista included, though I've only played with batista)
Weapon "abilities" not as strong as magic but add more options than just swing.
Trident can maybe benefit from one more meter of range *or* a opportunity attack when entering range (maybe with a - to hit otherwise simply walking away and redoing the whole dance would get obnoxious). Otherwise it's a worse sword since you can't use a shield.
Some way to get bonuses to hit like magic, be it sword masters or whatever. Including pilgrimages or a few masters, one defense one offense one ranged per major kingdom that each have a separate +1 training. (not stuck to 1 student so you could go with generals or high rankings in the army for training etc) since magic can get up to +10 which is kinda wild this would give any specific ability +4 max at this moment. Could tie it to an item that's unobtainable to keep in inventory as a token proving it or cities can keep track since as is team members need to track magic.
I think movement speed could also be changed up to be less random, lower the die to d4 and the bonus to +6+agility (extra bonuses added after) means you're more likely to know where you'll end but might end up short and still need to dash. Idk. I don't have many ideas with movement aside from the large variation in movement feel, awkward and kinda unfun since you can't really plan your turn because you don't know how far you're going to walk, if you can walk far enough to make attacks or be short and decide if you want to let the enemy get a free attack before you can attack or waste your action just standing there.
I think back on point one, ranged weapons need some kind of buff in small scale battles that wouldn't affect large scale battles. Over all a range buff would help a lot, but maybe another effect, an AP bonus of +1 (bows get AP+1, crossbows AP+2) between not being melee to half max range.
I am very tired though and probably rambling rn lol