Player Announcement Triumph Over the Flames: Victory Against the Fire Demon


Pancakemeister of Smithery | Tech Team Member
Staff member

[!] This message containing the Reichsarmee's mark and crest of Hadriana would be nailed onto noticeboards across the Hadrian Empire, additionally copies are sent with Ravens in every capital city and those that aided within Eden [!]


Harvestday 26, Highbloom, 1541

After days of relentless struggle and determination, we are pleased to announce that the combined efforts of the brave warriors and skilled magicians from across Eden have successfully banished the Fire Demon that threatened the Empire's lands.

Under the leadership of myself, Kapitein of Reicharmee, Manuel Fischer, the united forces of Hadriana and others from various nations that have come to aid fought valiantly to protect the people. The battle was fierce, with the fury of the Fire Demon testing the mettle of our defenders. However, through strategic coordination and the mages that aided us, we emerged victorious.

Regrettably, we report one casualty in the line of duty, a brave soul who sacrificed their life for the greater good. Their memory will forever be in our hearts due to the sacrifices made in the name of safeguarding Eden. If I can speak for myself, I extend my deepest gratitude to all who answered the call to arms, be they sword-wielding warriors or adept magicians. Your commitment to the safety and prosperity of our shared home has proven that, when united, we can overcome even the most formidable of adversaries.

May this triumph serve as a reminder that, in the face of adversity, we are stronger together. Let us cherish the peace that follows this hard-fought victory and remain ever vigilant against the forces that threaten the harmony of our beloved Eden.

Manuel Fischer
Kapitein of the Reicharmee

Anne-Marie would walk past one of the boards, noticing the message pinned to it. She'd place a hand on her chest, where her heart would be. A proud smile would occupy her lips, yet grief had filled her heart, thinking about the brave soul that had offered his life "May Alder bless him" she sighed deeply, knowing they were indeed victorious.