[A Cleric's Musings] Why Faith?


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To my faithful and to the uncertain. What is faith to you? What is our faith to you?

Is it simply believing in our teachings and that they guide us to a better world?
Is it believing that we will find a better life in Alder’s Halls when our time on Eden has come to an end?

Or do you believe it the blind devotion of fanatics that cannot think for themselves and hide their inadequacies and their corruption behind a veiled curtain.

I come to you today to tell you faith is a choice. It is a gamble of the power we hold to shape our destiny. Afterall that is our greatest strength. The gift of will and belief allows us the power to shape our destiny and drive our world. To Chaos or to order. The gamble then is ultimately how we leave this world after having exerted our power upon it.

Will we leave it having brought together our brethren in unity, having shown them kindness, loyalty, strength, love, compassion, humility and patience. Or will we leave it divided, sowing seeds of rebellion, showing anger, acting with malice and desecrating everything our steps touched. Which will bring us the most peace beyond our lives. There are those that might still answer the latter. Those that are so entrenched and muddled beneath the heavy miasma of chaos that they derive intimate satisfaction from vice. Part from such individuals, or better yet see their heads parted from their bodies.

So choose Faith. For what are miracles if not the world bending the laws of possibility and responding to our most fervent wills.
Pray for strength and guidance, and you will find it both within and without.
Look to the teachings and find the teachers.
Come to Sermons and gain understanding.
Debate and gain enlightenment.

The greater Pre-determination preserved Alder’s essence in nine distinct fragments we now know as Sentinels.
There can be no mystery of why, when each has for us a purpose and a divine lesson that will guide us if we only choose to listen and have faith.
Take your first devotion today and initiate yourself into the cult of Alder.


Readers, I bid you well with this prayer:

I pray you the wise man seeking wisdom rather than the fool that believes he has found it.
I pray you the strength to overcome the forces that act to see us fall.
I pray you walk with integrity and honor, to open your eyes to justice.
I pray you nurture love, nurture the beautiful world we have been gifted and mold it to our grand purpose.
And finally I pray the melodies strung of Volker for you an Epic, as Mortius guides you into Alder’s Hall, your duty to order fulfilled.
Alder guide you.

A musing by Aleksander de Tiri,
Cleric of the Temple

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