✠ News - The appointment of the first Golden Abbot ✠



[!]A notice has been posted in all major places of worship in the Empire, bearing the official seal of the Temple of Alder [!]


7, Firstseed, 1546
I hereby appoint the templar Nihil Golden Abbot: Master Treasurer of the Temple and recruiter of the order of Keepers, who are recruits of the Inquisition and the Templar Order.
The now Honorary Templar Nihil has accepted to serve Reimar under the rules of the Alderist cult in this new role.
He is therefore now head of the monastic cult of Reimar, Salvor and Elric and guardian of the relics of Alderism.
This was foretold.

Signed His Holiness Gregor von Volker, Vater of the Alderist Faith.