Event Announcement ✵ The Godsnight Ball ✵

[Art by Victor Joseph Chavet, 1855]


The Godsnight Ball

1st of Moonday, Starfall, 1530


His Royal Majesty, Kaiser Philipp Wilhelm II, Imperator of Attia, Her Royal Majesty, Kaiserin Anzhelika I Rozhdestvenski, His Royal Highness Prinz Karl Philipp I, and Her Royal Highness, Prinzess Helena Theodosia I, are pleased to announce a ball in their humble vicinity. The ball is to celebrate and honour the new year to come, and may we all celebrate once again next year.

The festivities will be held in the ballroom of the Royals' palace. The Royal family hereby invite all of their friends, families, and prominent figures of Eden, to join them in their joyous celebrations of the new year.

Guards shall be stationed at the Royals' palace entrance and within the palace itself, to ensure the safety of all who shall attend the Godsnight Ball.
All weapons must be left at the door by those attending and will be returned at the end of the celebrations.

[OOC: 2nd January, 3PM EST | 9PM for the Dutchies]


Invitations would be sent to the following,

Formal Invitations

His royal majesty, Aldir’tor Zaithrall, Therri’cill of the Enlightened Kingdom of Luminion and his royal attendants
Her royal majesty, Zoe I'thol Nobara, Sultana of the Empire of Anjyarr and her royal attendants
His royal majesty, Ossolin Wyrmthane, Clan Leader of the Fallen Denur Triumvirate and his royal attendants

Personal Invitations

His royal highness, Diederick-Göbel von Lichtenfelts, Prince of the Hadrian Empire
His lordship, Ser Cedric Reinhardt, Herzog of Herzland and his attendants
Her ladyship, Victoria Rovelt, of the House of Rovelt and her household
His lordship, Silas Moetieur van Levueren, and his uncle, Lord Johan Scakart van Leuveren
Her ladyship, Clarissa Reinhardt, Lady Steward of the Hadrian Empire and her attendants
Her ladyship, Etain O'Mordha, Lady Justicar of the Hadrian Empire and her attendants
His lordship, Mariusz-Janczyk Tzyrnowski, Herzog of Flüssland and his attendants
His lordship, Joturn Bonemaim, Chieftain of Clan Bonemaim and his attendants
His lordship, Gauthaagen Vitas-Ustengraf, Lord Envoy of the Hadrian Empire and his attendants
His lordship, Grimwald Rosenkrans, Lord Palatine of the Hadrian Empire and his attendants
Hey that me

Grimwald looks at the mail he has received while taking a stroll past his mailbox and takes it with him on his stroll to his current favorite sitting spot near the tavern. He smiles widely at the invitation and folds it neatly away when done reading it. "Ich will have to acquire another outfit for mineself."