Event Announcement 8th Gathering of the Estates General


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] All Citizens of Raevendrecht would be notified of the gathering to be held this week [!]
[OOC: The Estates General Will gather January 18th 21:00 CEST/ 03:00 PM EST


This Estates General will adress the current ghoul situation, some of the last dealings with the new city expansion, the failed diplomacy with Avalheim, and our new book of laws.

Official Proceedings:
1. We will walk through the Laws and Bills as determined here: https://forums.fablesfantasyrp.com/index.php?threads/bill-of-rights-laws-of-raevendrecht.2369/

Security Proceedings: (The Gathering will be temporarily closed to foreigners on these subjects)
2. We will discuss rumours of figures and ghouls passing south of New-Wakkerdam.

3. A number of citizens and the Stadtholder were visited by the ghost of Arnoud van Leuveren, who spoke of salvation, we must discuss on how to continue onwards and our stance against the Bone Lord.


1. Discussion:
Petitioner: Istar Maelor
Date of submission: 6/1/2023, Highsun 4th 1530
Discussion point: Making the Raven Jenever the national drink of the Republic of Reavendrecht.
1. People might not agree with making the drink the nation drink and have other proposals.
2. People have time to ask questions about the drink (after my quick leave last time)

2. Proposition:
Petitioner: Dominika van Gravendrecht (originally Saarin Cyaegha)
Date of submission: 7/1/2023
Proposition: Make a public college in Raevendrecht with a big library Argument
1. We open ourself move to other people Argument
2. Our people become less ignorant Argument
3. Roleplay (institute)

3. Discussion:
Petitioner: Saarin Cyaegha
Date of submission: 07/01/2023 - 12, Highsun 1530
Discussion point: Clear explanation of the talks between Raevendrecht and Avalheim
Argument 1. The Estates voted for a protected market close to the ferry to Avalheim.
Argument 2. Avalheim said publicly that they were offered integration and they refused, moving the ferry to another dock.
Argument 3. The reputation of Raevendrecht has been damaged and a neutral settlement (Avalheim) has distanced themselves from us.
4. Proposition:
Petitioner: Saarin Cyaegha
Date of submission: 7/1/2023
Proposition: Proposed changes to the book of Law: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14WqubT-joPHWvnCw1t5-ey887zHkmhJnjEJoAAIPvwM/edit
Argument 1: All citizens need to take the time to discuss all proposed laws, this is the version I find most complete.
Argument 2: If anyone disagrees with one of the base laws we can discuss it.
Argument 3: If anyone wishes to add to the law we can discuss it.

5. Discussion:
Petitioner: Silas Moetiour-Van Leuveren
Date of submission: 15/1/2023
Discussion point: A discussion on the streetnames and statues in the new city
1. People should have their traditional input in the street names
2. There is a free spot for a statue, however to who it shall be dedicated remains up in the air

After the Staten Generaal concluces we will hopefully take a stroll through the new city

Signed: Stadtholder Silas Moetiour van Leuveren​
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