Bill of Rights & Laws of Raevendrecht


Hertog van de Zuidelijke Hinterlanden
[!] In a protected libary in Raevendrecht the first version of the Bill of Rights and the Laws of Raevendrecht are kept [!]
The original copy of the Laws of the Republic and Bill of Rights was offered by the Edelachtbare Istar Maelor, den Eerste Hoogrechter van Raevendrecht (First Grand Judge of Raevendrecht) [!]

Grondrechten en Wetten van de Republiek
Bill of Rights and Laws of the Republic



Laws and Rights of the free peoples

The Laws exist to solve conflicts and prevent fights, crimes and treason. The Laws were made to ensure the protection of the free peoples that live in the Republic of Raevendrecht and explain their rights and freedom inside this Republic.

I. Crime and theft:
Laws about stealing, murder and usage of weapons. Breaking these laws will get you arrested by our Grand Army and put to trial in front of a judge and for extreme cases, the Estates General.
  1. Theft
    1. You may not steal from fellow citizens, nor outsiders.
    2. You may not steal from the state.
    3. You may not steal from shops, taverns and other institutes.
  2. Fighting
    1. You may not attack fellow citizens or try to harm them.
    2. When attacked, a citizen is allowed to defend himself.
    3. When you see a fight, it is a citizen’s duty to intervene and split them apart.
    4. The Estates General will decide who is guilty of the fight, and the judge will hand out the punishment accordingly.
  3. Murder
    1. You may not murder fellow citizens or outsiders. Taking one’s life is the greatest treason to the state and the free citizens.
  4. Weapons
    1. You may carry weapons when it is not to harm others, only to defend yourself.
    2. You may not carry weapons during an Estates General.

II. Rights of a citizen:
  1. Safety
    1. A citizen is safe within the walls and borders of Raevendrecht.
    2. A citizen will be protected by the Grand Army and its soldiers.
    3. A citizen will, when wounded, be treated with the utmost care of our medics and hospital.
  2. Voice
    1. A citizen may vote about what will and what won’t be done inside the Republic.
    2. A citizen may vouch for outsiders to say their opinion and ideas, but the citizen will be responsible for their actions.
    3. A citizen may freely say their opinion, as long as it does not harm other citizens or the state.
  3. Property
    1. A citizen has the right to own a house inside the Republic.
    2. A citizen has the right to own a tavern, shop or institute inside the Republic, but that citizen will have to pay a tax for this.
    3. A citizen may own weapons, horses and supplies when they will not be used to harm others or the state.
  4. Freedom
    1. A citizen is free to worship any religion.
    2. A citizen is free to be and stand where he wants inside the nation. He may take the roads and venture elsewhere, to other places inside the Republic.

III. Legal Protections:
  1. A citizen and its property will be protected by the State, the Estates General and the Grand Army of the Republic of Raevendrecht.
  2. A citizen will have to follow the laws and rights of the Republic, to ensure the safety of the other citizens.
  3. An outsider will have to follow these laws for the citizens to feel safe and free.
  4. A citizen will have these freedoms and customs in the other kingdoms and regions, and they will find protection from our men.

IV. Promises to the Republic:
  1. A citizen must vow to not try to overthrow the Stadtholder and coup the Republic.
  2. A citizen must vow to not try to harm other citizens in any way.
  3. A citizen must vow to not support enemies of the State.
  4. A citizen must vow to not do terrorism or espionage.
V. Treason:
  1. When a citizen breaks one of his promises he made to the State and the Republic of Raevendrecht, he commits treason.
  2. When a citizen commits treason, the Estates General and the judges will oversee his situation and punish him accordingly.
  3. When a citizen commits treason of the highest order, he will be exiled, banished, imprisoned or even executed under the watch of the Regents, Grand Pensionary and Stadtholder.

As written down and offered to the Estates General by Istar Maelor, first Grand Judge of Raevendrecht the 11th of Goldscorch 1530