
Gamemaster Team
Staff member


Issued by the
Imperial Guard
On this Thunderday 12th, Edensrest of 1524

To the people of the Hadrian Empire and to our noble vassals,

Last week saw the conversing take place between Edward Sebastian and His Imperial Majesty Matthias Joseph Withmond take place within the barracks of our nation's capital, Adelsburrag. The conversation primarily stemmed from the search for a new General to lead his most revered Imperial Majestie's armies, to rebuild, reform, and protect Imperial lands in the most orderly and proper fashion. To form our armies once more into being a force to be reckoned with.

We shall afford no questions, for too long has the armed forces remained stagnant, for too long has the leadership of a most important organization been filled with mediocrity that has ridden the edges of dismay and despondency leading His most revered Imperial Majesty in search of an individual, entrusted in leading an organization to the best of their abilities, to go beyond what is necessary in order to protect where needed and to attack when provoked. Therefore, it was decided that Edward Sebastian would be entrusted to take the mantle of such a prominent position and to be trusted with the rebuilding and reworking of the Imperial Guard for far too long has it suffered, a time of change is to take place with the recent appointment, a change which will see to the rise of the Imperial Guard once more.

Thereby it is implored, for the people of the Hadrian Empire, the greatest servants of our great nation, ignite the patriotism found within yourself, I implore you, I request of you. Join the Hadrian military, defend your country, and serve our Imperial Majesty.

Long Live the Hadrian Empire, Long Live the Emperor.

His Imperial Majesty, Imperator Matthias Joseph Withmond,
Emperor of the Hadrian Empire

His Excellency
, General Edward Sebastian
General of the Imperial Guard
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