Player Announcement A hidden clue

*A letter with an unknown seal would be dropped off at the royal and noble housing of those of The Empire of Anjyarr and The Hadrian Empire and Vater*
As I have known of the search for
Gyrath Kot-Thothzesh,
And you have so far failed to keep on his track I will be as nice as I can be!
The clue will be do not stay in the south for to long.

*A copy would have been given to Gyrath in person*
Signed, ...
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Yeah wrong address there. You're supposed to send it to "Creepy crypt under Hadriana's mailbox".
Gyrath would open the letter and after he read it "They really aren't doing a great job are they" He would then look around and looks back to the sender of the letter and whispers "Thanks for this" He would then leave with a bunch of flyers
My message to both of you
Zoe had received the letter from Lapis. After a few days she decided to view the letter, so with curiosity, she inspected the outside of the letter. Not recognizing the seal she hummed before opening it. With care, she read through it. Her face frowned at the end of the letter "This.. Is this just to ridicule the attempts of catching Gyrath, or is this truly a clue?" She sighed "No matter, One shall let the Hadrians handle this." Zoe gently threw the letter on top of her desk.