A letter from the Ipsilus to the Aeri'cill


Thyst HC | Local Gamemaster TM & Trial Mod
Staff member
[!] A letter arrived in a leather cover at the Luminion palace, brought by a tiny flaming horned lizard.
The lizard crawled through the bars and left the letter right at the front door of the palace.



Greetings miss Zaithrall,

We as the Ipsilus Consilium of the order of Thyst would like to schedule a formal meeting between you and our Ipsilus Nowù A. N. Grace.
This formal meeting is on the topic of proper diplomacy and the extend of what the order may do in Luminion lands.

Some other points are to be discussed yet only disclosed after the main purpose of the meeting has concluded.

We patiently await your reply,
~ Ipsilus Nowù A. N. Grace
