A letter to Silas


[!] A rider leaves from Lunberg carrying a message containing the Tzyrnowski household crest. On his way to the city of Raevendrecht he passed by the battle site of 'Der Fluss' dead still littered the ground, crows feasting on what remained. Eventually the rider entered Raevendrecht under the cover of night and personally delivered the letter to Silas [!]



Silas van Leuveren, Stadholder of Raevendrecht and Prince of Catamora. I write this letter to you with a sense of utmost dread. The Kaiser and his heir have been murdered in cold blood by murderous upstarts aiming to fully take over the Empire. They have already seen fit to 'Retract' all ranks of nobility and their claims, with none but their unlawful power.

No doubt you have read my previous letter, already informing you of the situation in the Empire. It is only reasonable for you to care little stability of the Empire, since we are officially at war.
However with the murder of the Kaiser I have seen fit to no longer be a vassal of the Empire that is ruled by upstarts, the very same upstarts that had taken over the Duma and strong-armed the Kaiser into declaring war on you!

I hereby wish to request a meeting.
I hope you accept in name of good faith and our previous dealings with each other.
May the Maker guide you.

Signed by,
Janczyk-Mariusz Tzyrnowski
Loyalist Herzog of Flussland
Nobleman of the Empire

[!] A Raven would return with a letter [!]

I must confess the news of the coup that occured in your Empire did surprise me. I had thought that it was the Emperor of Hadriana who acted like a warmongering tyrant and wished to settle his eternal grudge towards our free state. However I must confess that your worries on warmongers inside the former emperors ranks arranging the current war with Raevendrecht have already been confirmed by friends to the Republic.

We have been warned that this New Imperium their deepest desire is still to subjugate the Republic of Raevendrecht in their chase of eternal conquest. This warmongering has brought the race of man to near destruction, as scouts have reported Bone Lord activity in the aftermath of the Battle of Flüssland. Therefore my trust in Hadriana's government is slim. In my opinion the Empire ought to be burned to the ground and cut up like a cake to ensure that there will never ever rise another tyrant to challenge the peace of Eden. However the Republic has been battered by our previous loss, and the thought of having peace and some respite is tempting. We shall have to speak on the matter as soon as a possibility arises, for now I also need to speak with representatives of the new Imperium.

Stadtholder Silas- Moetiour van Leuveren
