A Letter to the Stadtholder from the Arch-Steward


[!] A letter has been delivered to the Stadtholder's office, bearing the seal of the Archsteward of the Hadrian Empire

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Good evening,

It has come to my attention that recently the 'Lunburg Banners' have come into a position of import at Lunburg after the recent dispute between the Republic and the House Tyrznowski. This is not my business, and I do not intend to comment on it. Rather, what I write to bring to your attention is a particular statement in the notice put up by the Lunburg Banners towards the end of their writing. Quote - 'Lunburg Banners is a company founded by Percival Schwan, a merchant from Adelsburg, in 1532. Its tax and law offices are now located in the Lunburg harbor, with official permission to operate in Hadriana and in the Anjyarri Empire'.

As Arch-Steward, part of my duties include trade import, export, licensing, so on. As far as I'm aware neither me nor my office has been approached in any way about the 'Lunburg Banners' acquiring permission to operate in Hadriana- The most likely reasoning behind this statement is that they came to an agreement with the regime of Sine Verrador before the Kaiser's reinstatement.

I am hoping you can speak to them and ask them to seek out my office so we can come to an arrangement and get them licensed. Until then, it would be greatly appreciated if they could cease advertising that they have official permission to operate in Hadriana, as I imagine this may cause problems until the matter is resolved. Hopefully we can bring this to a swift resolution.

Eveline Ludwig,
Erzsteward of the Hadrian Empire
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[OOC]That would not have much sense that the first thought that comes to mind is that you contact the Stadtholder directly, since Percival is an Attian and was born in Adelsburg and whole of his NPC family of merchants lives in Adelsburg.
But alas npcs do not exist play-wise, or you're just very bad informed since you could just pm me and have me in Adelsburg to solve the thing in a while.
Also I am citizen in Hadriana.
It would have had much more sense if you could contact me or letting me know thorugh a relative of mine through ET that afaik can use NPCs.
Or contact Percival or leave a message for him at the company legal head office.
Percival has been in Adelsburg twice when Hadriana was refound and waited twice in a line, but the Kaiser was too busy to receive him. But he got his citizenship accepted nonetheless.
Lunburg Banners trade business is indipendent from Raevendrecht government. The Company has been a private-only company until a while ago and any of its service, except for the administration in charge who manages the admiralty, is indipendent from Ravendrecht.
The Non-orange Banners are autonomous and can decide anything that does not damage Raevendrecht or get vetoed by the Stadtholder and so its trade and public relation branch.
You are fundamentally asking a free Republic to answer for one of his private companies trade contract renewal, on which the government has no business.
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[OOC]That would not have much sense that the first think that comes to mind is that you contact the Stadtholder directly, since Percival is an Attian and was born in Adelsburg and whole of his NPC family of merchants lives in Adelsburg. But alas npcs do not exist play-wise, or you're just very bad informed since you could just pm me and have me in Adelsburg to solve the thing in a while.
Also I am citizen in Hadriana.
could you write this in braille?
* - translated from braille