A memory to Mephis Sulfira


Thyst HC | Local Gamemaster TM & Mod
Staff member
OOC: Do not metagame this information, this is simply a post about a characters believes which is not an official religion.

Mephis Sulfira

As his time is coming to an end and the elderly elf feels his body growing weaker and weaker,

he spends his final moments noting down what deities he believed to be true to the world.

As he finishes his wording on each deity he thanks them for what they have given him,
continuing to resent the members of his own race as he did.

"Thelif, I thank thee to give me the confidence to express my thoughts and observations."
"Afarell, our kind may have fallen from grace yet I pray that you may guide them back to true enlightenment."
"Fernir, thank thou for thyne freedom and allowing me to freely leave my original home."
"Dhral, your kind might be misunderstood but your ambition is simply inspiring."
"Lillith, I apologize for your kind being long gone but your hospitality never ended."
"Urdnyll, I may not have relied on you but I wish for your people to be standing on their own once more."
"Camillia, I'm sure part of your luck was passed down onto me during my travels and time in Zadh."
"Zogroth, thank thee for allowing me to stay with thyne kind as I returned to the civilized world."
"Nibble, I genuinely enjoyed thyne simplicity and took some of it into my own life."
"Karlus, although your people are plentiful I've still learned from you and have shown restraint when I was in 'cill lands."

As he finishes writing his book he coughed, the last sentence he spoke taking quite a bit out of him.
He already had difficulty walking prior to this, now it was time to put it all to rest.

The old man made sure to pass his writing on but eventually locked himself back up in his room.
The burning passion inside of him finally snuffing out.

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