Player Announcement A Missing Person: Max Savant-Cupiditatem


[!] A blonde wood elf in a military uniform could be seen putting up notices on the bulletin boards of every settlement and nation, except Zadh-Nadrozz

A Missing Person


Eden's Shine

Vale to the inhabitants of Eden, it has been brought to my attention of the
missing of Max Savant-Cupiditatem from the Ar’baor. It has been numerous months since he has
set foot in the land of the Kharash. An advocate of Mitrona, fellow kin, and out of all them a friend.

A blue tiefling, approximately around 5 feet
Blue hair, silver eyes. Last seen wearing a Mitronan Medical Coat.
If you have any knowledge or sightings of him please report it to me.

Tri'cilus Aedan Pineblossom
> missing from mitrona
> got his medical license from mitrona immediately after
love to see it, man knows how to work around the system
> missing from mitrona
> got his medical license from mitrona immediately after
love to see it, man knows how to work around the system
mitrona doesnt even have medical licenses lmfao, mf rubbed mushrooms against every wound and claimed it cured everything. refused to write anything down because "I'm not a college student."