Player Announcement A noble lady lost.


Gamemaster Team
[!] A letter is sent out to the people close to Ashlyn Astaseul. Posters of the ceremony of her passing are hung on every notice board of the nations. It held two crests: The Imperial Crest on top and the Astaseul one on the bottom. It would be the last time the Astaseul Crest would be used. [!]


To all who read,

For the past few days, the Imperial council and the people have been trying to cope with the shock of the sudden death of a person who we held so dear to us. Mayor Ashlyn Astaseul, a 20-year-old loyal Hadrian woman known as the first founder of the noble Asaseul house, has passed away recently.

With this message, we hereby invite all those who wish to bear witness and give respects to her by attending her funeral, which shall occur in a few days' time. The clergy of the Makerist Church shall hold the ceremony of passing her body back to the earth from where our creator, The Maker, has shaped us. It will take place in the town of Hadriana, in the state of Heartland. It is her birthplace, so her story shall also end there.

We hope those who knew her from days old, knowing her as a friend, family, or more, shall attend this ceremony with us and share her memories in the glory days of the old Kingdom and newly founded Empire. Strangers are also allowed to come, holding to the rule of keeping the peace during the ceremony and after leaving the nation.

However, Green-skins are forbidden from entering the city or ceremony grounds at the time!


Queen Celestine Tzyrnowski-Brickenden
Queen of the Kingdom of Ràdymie, Lady of the North, ruler of the state of Ràdymie.

People from other nations are allowed to join in on this event! Please behave during this event as this will be a burial ceremony.
Please stay off the cemetery grounds until the ceremony starts!

Date of event:
Wednesday 20-04-2022
9:00 PM CEST
3:00 PM EDT

Meeting place:
Town of Hadriana, located in the center of the Hadrian Empire. The Great Church shall open its doors once the ceremony starts!

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