A Problem of the Interior


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[!] The following letter would be sent to the Adelsburg Palace, addressed to Crown-Prinz Karl [!]




Crown Prinz,

Whilst the Westerlanden's forces have been made ready for the incoming Bone Lord offensive, there remains still problems within the interior of the Empire that have been brought to my attention. Chief among them, is the mention of a Griffin which currently pesters the citizens of Bergwald, slaughtering their animals and depleting their stores of food - the same stores which are set to be delivered to the front lines in Lunburg. Should of course, we hope to properly ration and feed the soldiers who will hold the line, it seems to me self evident this problem must be dealt with.

Though having taken a step back from the public view for some time, I write you to recommit my dedication to the Empire's causes, and stand ready to carry out its will. It is with this dedication and readiness that I requst your permit to take charge on dealing with this Griffin. Before my momentary absence, I have had experience in handling the Empire's other threats within - namely voidals and their conspirators such as Silence Karris, Azrael van der Draeck, and Volrath Steinmeister. What's more, the tracking and slaying of beasts such as this does also not go unknown to me -- the Ritters of Salvor, started by mein Vater, specializes in this care and I have been brought up by its methods.

It is my hope that with proper oversight from myself, this matter will be resolved quickly and effectively. Most of our forces remain centered arond the voidal threat, thus it is paramount someone trusted can deal with this in the mean time. Following the war's end, I hope to once again host the famed annual Norburen Tourney as a celebration of the victory we hope to hold over the restless dead. Towards that, we work to make preparations ahead of time and would cordially invite you and your father as our special guests. While the Azari of the Dominion shirk us, we might yet show them the grandeur of our tourneys and might from afar.


Herzog Bartosz-Jan Tzyrnowski
[!] The following letter would be sent to the Adelsburg Palace, addressed to Crown-Prinz Karl [!]



Crown Prinz,

This letter comes to you following a failed expedition by Ser Damien von Aval, Ser Karsten von Drachenfels, and myself, towards finding and slaying the Griffin which has caused Bergwald problems over the recent months. I write to you to express my frustration, and further urge you to consider my last request. It is paramount that someone capable and knowledgeable be placed in command of this issue if it is to be solved. It is clear that, having received no answer from my last letter, it did have its role in seeing the expedition's unfortunate ending where it otherwise could have ended in success.

The Griffin's nest is located in the snow-covered mountains just north of Bergwald by some short distance through the forest. It was located by Ser Karsten von Drachenfels, yet little intel was uncovered beyond that. I hold great respect for the RItters of the Greifengarde, namely Ser Damien and Karsten in particular, yet the display shown during our encounter revealed they were meant solely for battle - not strategy. Had authority been vested rather than shared, we might have learned of the Griffin's mate and children, which we were unprepared for. We entered and were caught unaware by the larger mate, then attacked on two sides and having less men then necessary to see ourselves out. From the excursion, Ser Damien has sustained great losses and was nearly killed - he may never be the same again. Ser Karsten's arm was heavily mutilated, and will need to retrain himself if he is to fight properly in the future. By Alder's providence, I sustained minimal injures- losing only a finger and gaining a shattered left arm which has since healed.

It is my opinion we must attack this issue from a different direction - not head on, which would have been able to have been known otherwise, and why I make the plea to see that, following the Bone Lord threat's removal, you place me at the center of command in regard to dealing with this issue so necessary and proper measures can be taken to end it. I will work to make Norburen our center for resources, siphoning any and all objects needed towards the completion of this task, while working with Bergwald to station and man a proper attack. We can afford to lose no more lives, namely not those of some of our best, to poor planning and a lack of action. It is my hope that with your permission, we might see the threat done away with by more unconventional means of battle, which are already in design.


Herzog Bartosz-Jan Tzyrnowski
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