Melkor walked swiftly through the streets of Al-Khadir, scattered fragments of the thing's words ripped through his mind. He stopped just before the palace, not looking at the halls that awaited him, at the things he loved and hated the most. Standing there trying to think of something, anything, that would stop this feeling. It was like the pale thing described, thoughts, terrible thoughts. They pounded on his mind, threatening him, teasing him with visions of release. The words broke through, "I'm surprised... she .... death". Melkor reeled, at the words, such evil, such hate.... To let go, just for tonight, just to get these things out of his head, to stop him from feeling this way, it was the best thing to do, no, the right thing. No one should live with such a curse, much less one who had suffered so, it had to be done, nothing he could have done to prevent it, nothing at all. A husk of a person departed from the palace, a thin and pointed dagger resting easily in it's hand. "Death.... condemn.... torture"....