Player Announcement A Religion In Dissaray


A parchment is pinned to the notice board in Luminion by four nails, all on the corners of the paper.
Citizens of the Enlightened Kingdom, it is evident the temple of our glorious Mother had been neglected harshly. As such, the time is right for a change and a reform. The temple of the silver phoenix remains full of dust and misery, it still remains a field that no one cared to plant, to water or to reap. The administration of the previous Scinari'cilus had been largely uneventful. The Mother is not pleased with the current running of the temple and it is time for a new leader to step up and reform the temple to it's previous glory. Shame upon the late Scinari'cilus, for she had disgraced the temple with her uncaring behaviour, letting the faith stagnate and letting the people be deprived of the teachings of our Mother! She claims she was too busy with personal prayer, however there must be moderation in all things and as such, she is to care about the faith equally as she cares for herself and her own needs! As such, I am disgusted by the show of inactivity concerning the proper running of the temple. I, Alwith Gaethifeth had decided to take matters into my own hands and have spoken openly about my ambition to reclaim the holiness of the temple before the Citizen Council and before the Therri'cill. I ask help of you, citizens of the Enlightened Kingdom, leave your minds open. The change we need is I. With strong leadership and resolute judgement, the temple will once again serve as a place of worship and not a basket of dust.

May the Mother give you all strength through this hardship.